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Profanity/inappropriate profile-how to deal?

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 01/13/10 11:10 PM Views: 2726 Replies: 14
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 11:10 PM

We've had one classmate posting profanity and inappropriate content on their profile. One classmate has already complained. What to do? Anyone else have this problem? I'd like to suspend her profile until she corrects it, but I don't see that option.

Any ideas?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 11:25 PM - Response #1

check out this topic for more ideas

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 11:39 PM - Response #2

Thank you, very helpful.

Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 12:58 AM - Response #3

I just had the same situation happen on Monday Jan. 11th.
The first thing I did when I got the complaining emails is to hide his/her profile from the Class by toggling 'NO' to show on class list.
Our Reunion Planning Meeting was the next day. I printed his profile,showed it to our Committee.
We then..decided to send an email asking him/her to edit his profile in 48 hours or s/he will be banned from the site. I did make it clear that the offending comments were slander and pornographic, and I had gotten complaining emails from people who were offended by his/her comments and answers to some questions. I also pointed out..that Profile Questions should be truthful, and if s/he meant the answers to be a wasn't funny.
If s/he offends again...after editing his/her profile. I will notify s/he by email that s/he is banned from site..and not allowed to attend the reunion. If s/he paid for the reunion ,we will refund his/her ticket price. I hope I won't have to send that second email.
Not sure if it worked yet. I just sent the email to him today...and haven't checked his profile today.
I hope this helps.javascript:addSmiley('Wink');

Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 2:21 AM - Response #4

Well..I just got an email reply from the offender. S/He will not remove the offensive comments and answers on his/her profile.
S/He says it's a free country. I guess s/he doesn't get it.
And who am I to dictate what is funny or not! If people don't like it they shouldn't read it. DUHHHHH!!!

Anyway..our Reunion Committee policy still stands.
S/he is banned from the site.

Only 1 bad apple spoils the whole batch. Now I have to police everyone's profile...I have over 1700 classmates on our site...I guess I will need new glasses.

Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 2:32 AM - Response #5

You're right of course and the Classmate is wrong. It's not a free country on the web. That's why there are Moderators, Administrators, etc. in most public online venues.

Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 2:45 AM - Response #6

Thanx Brad....I know that. S/He referred to Porn too...don't want anyone to Google his/her name..and then find porn as his/her degree. If someone is looking for Porn..and Google's just the word likely would it hit his/her profile?
Our Committee has made a Policy on inappropriate comments and answers on your profile. I will now have to post it on the home page. Geesh..supposedly we are all adults. Rolling Eyes
BTW..Keep up the good work..I can't wait for the IM's to launch!!! Why aren't my smileys..posting with the javascript thingy on it..sometimes it posts right..mostly it doesn't. My toggle is set to yes. Question

Edited 01/14/10 2:54 AM
Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 2:56 AM - Response #7

I have absolutley no idea. Smile Exclamation Question

Edited 01/14/10 2:57 AM
Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 2:59 AM - Response #8

javascript:addSmiley('Arrow'); Only the Cyber guys knows!!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010 at 1:07 PM - Response #9

The Help Forums are invaluable! We have a classmate that has responded inappropriately to some of our forums and to other classmates. Reading what others have done in similar situations has been helpful. At the beginning, I deleted any offensive responses he posted. Thought this might deter him. Didn't work. I then changed his password (changed it to "stop"). He then emailed me that there was a system problem. I didn't respond and received a second email as follows:

On reflection, it occurs to me that my password was changed to "stop" and now I don't have access. If that's your way of telling me I'm out of line, well, I guess the best thing is to leave the ban in place, 'cause I can't be anyone other than myself.

I then deleted his name from the list of classmates. My question is two-fold:

1. How could he know what the substitute password was?
2. I thought his 2nd email finalized the issue and did not need a response. The other co-administrator feels we should respond to him. What would some of you suggest?

Thank you.

Friday, September 24, 2010 at 1:09 PM - Response #10

The system has a built in "Forgot Password" feature. If you leave their email address intact they can simply click Forgot Password and the system will email them their password.

Friday, September 24, 2010 at 1:11 PM - Response #11

Thanks, that solves one problem.

Friday, September 24, 2010 at 3:05 PM - Response #12

I had a similar situation. I asked him to change his profile..he didn't so I banned him from the site.
I printed off his profile and his emails to me and then deleted him from the site.
I have a disclaimer on the bottom of my home page that deals with this sort of thing.
You control the site..and if he doesn't what to comply with the rules you boot him. If you don't he will chase the people who you want on the site.
I hope this helps.

Saturday, September 25, 2010 at 12:29 AM - Response #13

Thank you for the advice. I have copied your disclaimer and inserted it at the bottom of our homepage. (BTW - my mother and mother-in-law were both graduates of Austin High School in the 1920s)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at 4:25 PM - Response #14

Nancy Strand wrote:

Thank you for the advice. I have copied your disclaimer and inserted it at the bottom of our homepage. (BTW - my mother and mother-in-law were both graduates of Austin High School in the 1920s)

My Mom, Aunt and Uncle all graduated from Austin in the early and late 40's. Small world.

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