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Adding Admin Email Addy

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 07/31/10 02:51 PM Views: 1621 Replies: 7
Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 2:51 PM

Unless I've missed it somewhere, I've noticed that there is not a cache for storing SENT Emails. This is not a problem as long as MY Email Addy is on the List, but when I send one to one of the criterias like... All Members who have not joined, my name is not on that list. Therefore, I do not get a copy of that email, and have to solicit a copy from someone on the list in order to have a copy.

I have copied and saved the email as a Word Document. This is okay, but not the same as it would appear in email format.

I really like the Email Format that Class Creator offers with the option of adding images and imbeding video, etc. Much improved and advanced tech over other email systems. My classmates are enjoying them as well with pictures that are imbeded rather than attached.

From one of the Customized pages, I created a page called 'You've Got Mail'. All the emails that have been sent via the Admin are there for everyone to see.

My question/suggestion is: Is there a way that the Admin Email Addy could be added to every email list so a copy could be saved.

Sue McPeak
Admin Monahans High School Class of 1965

Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 3:04 PM - Response #1

Hi Sue!

Welcome to Class Creator -- and the Help Forums.

This is an issue that Brad has told us they are working on -- but might be several months away.

In the meantime, here's a work-around. Create the content of your email within a new "Survey" using the "Survey Maker". Save it, but don't activate the survey. (You can have unlimited survey pages.)

When you've got the copy just right, including any pictures, etc. Just copy the contents of this page and open the email the class function and paste it all into the form. All the links and pictures you've included will paste in.

So now you've got a copy of each email you sent out. After you click on SEND, you'll see a list of all the email address to which it was sent. Drag your mouse across the entire list, copy the list. Go back and 'edit' the 'survey' - scroll to the bottom and paste in the list.

Now in one place, you've got the email and the list it was sent to.

Once the new email system is in place, you'll be able to prepare and save drafts. Until then... this works.Rolling Eyes

P.S. I like your idea of archiving the emails in a custom page.

Edited 07/31/10 3:06 PM
Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 3:29 PM - Response #2

John, Thank-you so much for the quick response and for the suggestion to use the Survey Maker for emails. Perfect. Solves lots of my email woes including the loss of one while in progress.

I'm glad to hear that email is on the task list. Brad and crew are amazing and I know have a long list of to do's.

Thanks for the welcome. My Class members are really thrilled with the website and so all the time and effort has been so worth it. I've read a good many of your posts and found them to be very informative and helpful.

Could you tell me the difference in the Basic Edit Mode and the BBCode Editor. I always hesitate to Click on something I don't know what IS IT.

Thanks again,

Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 3:49 PM - Response #3

Sue McPeak wrote:

Could you tell me the difference in the Basic Edit Mode and the BBCode Editor. I always hesitate to Click on something I don't know what IS IT. Sue

No, I can't! Honest.

But after you asked, I found a link about BBC Code info. It's just to the right of the window in which you type your messages.

I think the letters stand for "Bulletin Board Code" -- developed in the pre-www days when people dialed into bulletin boards with their 300 baud rate modems and shared text messages. BBC codes allow you to select words or phrases and add different styles to them.

Edited 07/31/10 3:51 PM
Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 4:30 PM - Response #4

Thanks....I checked it out and I don't think that is something I would use.

Pre www....hmmmmm....that'd be DOS to me. Can you imagine?

Thanks again,

PS...just looked at your Site....Love the Sample Profile!

Edited 07/31/10 4:37 PM
Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 4:41 PM - Response #5

Yep. I remember DOS.

My first PC was an Apple II Plus purchased in 1978. 9" bw monitor and two 5" floppy drives - each holding 140KB per disk. One drive for the program disk, one to store files.

My first hard drive could store 5MB. My most recent hard drive is 1TB (Terrabyte) the 5MB one was $4,000 (it also had a tape back-up.) The 1 TB was $90.

My iPhone has more computing power than the computer that flew with Neil and Buzz to the moon.

I'm THAT old! Sending you an email - check the InBox.

Edited 07/31/10 4:43 PM
Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 5:06 PM - Response #6

The upcoming mass email system allows for saving and testing emails to just your address in advance. It also allows for the sending of timed emails based on the date the Classmate joined the site. Just an estimate but by the looks of it this may be a September launch.

Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 7:34 PM - Response #7

John Chidester wrote:

Yep. I remember DOS.

My first PC was an Apple II Plus purchased in 1978. 9" bw monitor and two 5" floppy drives - each holding 140KB per disk. One drive for the program disk, one to store files.

My first hard drive could store 5MB. My most recent hard drive is 1TB (Terrabyte) the 5MB one was $4,000 (it also had a tape back-up.) The 1 TB was $90.

My iPhone has more computing power than the computer that flew with Neil and Buzz to the moon.

I'm THAT old! Sending you an email - check the InBox.

I don't doubt that for a minute John, The part about you (and me) being "THAT old". I probably bought your old Apple II Plus, too.

[DOS} that's DO'S & DON'TS] right?

Now here's a little trivia for you that no else can lay claim to: My Dad, designed and built the electronics for the camera that sent back the first pictures of Neil (taking his first steps) after disembarking from his orbiter, and landed on the moon. NO KIDDING! I'll share with you some other trivia of interest later!

Edited 07/31/10 7:36 PM
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