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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 07/11/13 11:35 PM Views: 798 Replies: 2
Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 11:35 PM

hi, below is the answer you sent me, but it doesn't help unfortunately. i do not want any of the past announcements to post onto the home page. i want to create a new announcement to post onto the home page and am having difficulty getting to that point.....thanks, again, betty

Edit Site Pages,
Edit Home Page
You don't have ACTIVE or LOGGED IN checked for "Announcements", so it isn't going to show any announcements. It also isn't going to show the POST ANNOUNCEMENTS link because there are no announcements.

Friday, July 12, 2013 at 9:22 AM - Response #1

Since you have turned on the announcements on your home page, you can now click the left-side link of POST ANNOUNCEMENTS.
Then CREATE ANNOUNCEMENT, type the text of your announcement, then save the announcement.
When back to the POST ANNOUNCEMENTS page, check the ACTIVE checkbox to make the announcement visible on your home page.

If you are still having problems, try a different browser. It looks like you might be using the AOL browser. As far as I know, the AOL Browser isn't up-to-date on all of the HTML code it can support, so it might not be working for you.

Friday, July 12, 2013 at 9:36 AM - Response #2

thank you, kyle. for some reason i was forgetting one step, but it's all posted now. you always help me out!!......b

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