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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/13/11 01:33 PM Views: 1264 Replies: 3
Friday, May 13, 2011 at 1:33 PM

Can someone at CC look at my set up and tell me what I've done wrong. It looks to me like a person would have to be logged in to see and use the items on the left hand menu.

But, after I log out I can still see and access the following:

Classmate Profiles
Make Reservations
Best Teacher Survey
Skinny Dipping
Message Forum
#1 Songs from 1966
Faculty Spotlight
Class Reunion Photos
Geezer Archive
A New Top Ten!
Our Alma Mater
1966 History/Videos
Missing Classmates
Contact Us
In Memory
Home Page

Where are the settings so a non logged in visitor can not see and use the links. Can someone unconfuse me.



Friday, May 13, 2011 at 2:17 PM - Response #1

On your Edit Site Pages page, there are 2 columns next to the names of the pages. One is for Active and the other Password. You must check the password box next to any pages that you wish to password protect. The only 2 that we do not recommend passwords for are the homepage and Classmate profiles pages.

Friday, May 13, 2011 at 2:32 PM - Response #2

The Administrator of your webiste needs to go in under the secion on the left that reads "Administrator Functions" click on the "Edit Site Functions" Make sure that whatever you do not want the public to see, is checked for password protected. Once this is checked no one will be able to see the data unless they are registered on your site and they are logged in. They still need to remember to LOG off as well.


Friday, May 13, 2011 at 2:46 PM - Response #3

I once worked for a development company and learned the expression RTFM. How true. I misread the paragraph on password protection. Thanks for your help.

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