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multiple graduating class and schools

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 06/27/09 02:02 PM Views: 2082 Replies: 12
Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 2:02 PM

I think class creator is the BEST amongst all of the class reunion websites we had ever seen. Keep up the good work!

I would like to know if I can utilized your website to have friends join in a community of Old Schoolers. It will then involved multiple graduating classes from different schools and locations. Can this be done?

Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 4:00 PM - Response #1

Thank you Ronald.

Yes and no. If you want to just enter all Classmate names on one page, then yes, you could fit it into the existing structure. If you're actually looking for an additional level, such as first clicking on Classmate Profiles, and then getting a list of school names, then drilling down into the school to see only the Classmates from that specific school, then no. That level doesn't currently exist -- the single year mode of Class Creator is primarily designed for one specific graduating class year (although people use that mode for many other purposes, such as family sites, neighborhood sites, etc). The multi (or alumni) mode is designed to break up a single school into different graduating years. Most people use this mode to run alumni sites.

So bottom line, if your membership will squeeze into single year mode, go for it. You can use the Classmate Global Replace variable (available on your Preferences page) if you wish to rename all instances of "Classmates" site wide to some other name of your choice.

Edited 06/27/09 4:01 PM
Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 4:06 PM - Response #2

So Brad let me ask you a question and make sure I am understanding you completely.

I am currently the reunion organizer for my class of 1981. But I am also putting together a multi year reunion for the classes of 77-83. I can not build another page for those classes?

Please advise,

Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 4:23 PM - Response #3

my purpose is to create another site. having multiple graduating years from different schools. You know, like eventhough I went to school at Lane, I still had friends that went to Roosevelt, Steinberg, etc. etc. and I want to have a reunion with them.

As what you have said, some people are using your site for different purposes (neighborhood, family reunion and such). I want to have a site for old school reunions. Making a community so I can invite them for picnics, get together celebration, happy hour / mixers to rekindle our childhood years.

Is the Alumni site (upper level) your suggested route? I'll immediately subscribe. I wont go anywhere else. You are the bomb! I just dont want to know its capabilities and limititations.

Let me know Brad.

Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 4:26 PM - Response #4

can you lead me to the other sites (neighborhood, family etc.)?

Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 4:28 PM - Response #5

I meant, I want to know its capabilities and limitations.

Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 4:34 PM - Response #6

Brenna Durkee wrote:

So Brad let me ask you a question and make sure I am understanding you completely.

I am currently the reunion organizer for my class of 1981. But I am also putting together a multi year reunion for the classes of 77-83. I can not build another page for those classes?

Please advise,

Sure you can. You can build as many single year, or multi year, sites as you want. There are professional reunion planners here running literally dozens of sites.

Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 4:43 PM - Response #7


my purpose is to create another site. having multiple graduating years from different schools. You know, like eventhough I went to school at Lane, I still had friends that went to Roosevelt, Steinberg, etc. etc. and I want to have a reunion with them.

As what you have said, some people are using your site for different purposes (neighborhood, family reunion and such). I want to have a site for old school reunions. Making a community so I can invite them for picnics, get together celebration, happy hour / mixers to rekindle our childhood years.

Is the Alumni site (upper level) your suggested route? I'll immediately subscribe. I wont go anywhere else. You are the bomb! I just dont want to know its capabilities and limititations.

Let me know Brad.

There is a a multiple class level in the alumni (multi) system. I.E. when you click on Classmate Profiles you get a list of graduating years instead of Classmate names. And then when you click the year, you then get all the Classmates who graduated in that specific year. So in this way many people here are running true alumni sites that ecompass the entire school and many different class years, as opposted to one site for one specific class year.

What you DON'T have at all in the system is a school level. For instance you cannot set up something like this:

1) User clicks on Classmate Profiles
2) User sees a list of schools
3) User clicks on school
4) User now sees list of class years
5) User sees list of Classmates from that specific class year

Level 2 does not exist at all. What I'd do instead is create a single year site, and then put the school name in paraenthesis after the last name of the Classmate. I.E.:

John Doe (Northside)
Jane Doe (Eastbrook)

This way you'll have all Classmates listed on the same page with their school information at the end of their name. This setup should be fine if you don't have too many members. For instance, if you have a thousand or less members the structure would work well. If you have 20,000 or something like that, then this would be far too many names on one page.

Note: If you use the single year structure as I'm recommending, you will NOT have any way to click on a specific school name and only see Classamtes from that school. You'd have to look at the parenthetical information to see the school name, and the Classmates on your Class List would be alphabetized by last name -- there would be no mechanism to sort the Class List by school name.

Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 4:45 PM - Response #8

I checked the mccabe family reunion and the resort site. Im getting to understand it more.

I think a single level is good. What would you suggest?

Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 4:46 PM - Response #9


can you lead me to the other sites (neighborhood, family etc.)?

Here's a post I made in another forum about this that I'll paste in here:

Yes. That's one of the unexpected things that happened when we launched Class Creator. People began using it for family sites and singing sites and neighborhood sites and all kinds of other things we never anticipated. For instance:

Check out this family site.

Check out this resort site.

When you make a non Classmate site with Class Creator, be sure you go into your Preferences link and use the Classmate Global Replace feature to change all instances of the word "Classmates" to whatever the name of your group members is. Note: This will NOT change instances of the word Classmates in your own private Administration area. But it will change all instances on your public site so the system no longer appears to be a class site.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at 2:01 PM - Response #10

Ok I guess I am confused.

This is what I want to know if it is possible and how would I do it.

Same high school..multiple years. One site. I can list their names easily enough. But what I need is a way of defining between the different years.

IE: ECHS 1979
ECHS 1980

and on and on. click that link and up pops their alumni names. Is this possible. I love your site. It is the best.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at 2:03 PM - Response #11

Yes. It's very simple:

1) Click Edit School/Logos
2) Convert your site to the multi year format
3) Add your class years and Classmates' names

Simple as that.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at 2:12 PM - Response #12

Oh My Gosh Embarassed How in the world did I miss something that simple? Thank you Brad!!! You are simply the best!!Very Happy

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