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Announcement Editing option

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 01/29/09 07:40 AM Views: 1380 Replies: 3
Thursday, January 29, 2009 at 7:40 AM

Some of my announcements are non-displayable text (Styles to set up a background image, JavaScript codes to change the mouse cursor, etc.) Whenever I edit these announcements, the editor has modified what I have entered and added the P and /P for paragraph breaks. Since these are just codes, the editor doesn't need to insert paragraph breaks.

There should be a checkbox (default is unchecked) associated with each announcmeent that says "Non Displayable Codes Only". This option when checked would tell the editor to not reformat the edited text. If this checkbox is checked by the user, then the announcement only contains JavaScript or Background styles or some other text the Admin doesn't want reformatted. If this checkbox is checked, then the announcement is displayed in the proper order, but with NO BULLET (because there is nothing displayable).

This option would be for advanced users who know what they are doing and want more control over their announcements so as to avoid white space on the homepage because of the automatic formatting of announcements. My HomePage has a large blank space in the announcement section that I cannot get rid of because the Paragraph codes have been inserted when they are not necessary.

Thursday, January 29, 2009 at 2:48 PM - Response #1

Well that's not very nice of the editor. Bad editor!

Actually, we're hoping to get the new FCK Editor implemented shortly. I have no idea if the new one is going to behave this way or not. After it's installed, why don't you give it another whirl and let me know. If it does the same thing, I'm sure we can build in some type of override toggle. Or even a manual ASCII text editor option for each page instead of the visual editor, for those who wanna work "under the hood" with code.

Thursday, January 29, 2009 at 3:13 PM - Response #2

What if you put your javascript on the homepage, rather than in an announcement?


Thursday, January 29, 2009 at 3:18 PM - Response #3

Beth Shaw wrote:

What if you put your javascript on the homepage, rather than in an announcement?


If it is in an announcement, then I don't have to remember the JavaScript. I can just name the announcement and turn it on or off anytime I want.

For example, I have a "Kissing Mouse" announcement (only works in Internet Explorer) that is a lips and hearts that follow the mouse around. I just turn it on a couple weeks before Valentines Day. I want it turned on, but don't want it to take up any space in the announcements.

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