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Foxfire and Music

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 06/27/09 11:49 AM Views: 1914 Replies: 11
Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 11:49 AM

Some folks can here the Playlist music just fine on the main page, but can't hear the music in our "In Memory" page. “Anyone run into this?

I did a bit of research and found that the ones that are having this problem use Firefox.
I tried both IE and Firefox and sure enough, I can hear everything using IE, but only the main page with Firefox, and only if I scroll down to the playlist. I’d like to switch to only Firefox myself, but would that affect the IE users?

I did a search in the forums about this and didn’t find anything specific to this(although I could’ve missed it as there are tons of music entries).

Brad: Should we have a Firefox category/folder to help with Firefox issues or aren’t there enough to do that?

Thanks !!

Edited 06/27/09 1:11 PM
Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 4:12 PM - Response #1


First, I hear your music in Firefox without having to scroll. Scrolling shouldn't affect whether you hear sound or not -- although I realize it seems to be affecting you. Could have something to do with loading on your computer, or processor issue maybe, or possibly just coincidental that it happened to start playing right as you were scrolling. In any case, I believe for the vast majority of Firefox users your home page music plays and works fine without scrolling.

Next issue, you're right, I can hear the In Memory music in Internet Explorer but not in Firefox. Question is why... I see that you've changed the Playlist code to not display the plugin at all, which shouldn't make any difference in Firefox -- at least I've never heard of it making a difference in Firefox anyway. So I'm going to make a guess that something else got changed in the code. Possibly one lone character that may be causing the entire issue. So I'd like you to do a test for me:

1) Please remove your Playlist code completely.
2) Go back to your Playlist account and recopy the original code.
3) Paste it into your In Memory page.
4) This time don't modify the size at all. Just paste it in and don't change anything.
5) Now test it in Firefox. Does it work now?
6) If so, now try changing all widths and heights to 0.
7) Test it again. Does it still work?

I'm interested in hearing your results, so please post them back here when done.

Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 4:20 PM - Response #2

Oh by the way no, I don't think we need a separate Firefox category. Firefox is a very good browser. If anything we need an Internet Explorer category.

Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 4:31 PM - Response #3

Brad Switzer wrote:


First, I hear your music in Firefox without having to scroll. Scrolling shouldn't affect whether you hear sound or not -- although I realize it seems to be affecting you. Could have something to do with loading on your computer, or processor issue maybe, or possibly just coincidental that it happened to start playing right as you were scrolling.

It's not the main topic of this post and isn't a really big issue in the overall scheme of things but when using Safari I find that I often don't hear a Playlist until I scroll down to it.

Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 4:58 PM - Response #4

How interesting... I have heard this before but have never been able to repeat it. I can only imagine it has to do with RAM, or processing power, or something technical like that. Who knows.

Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 5:34 PM - Response #5

I use Foxfire and can hear music on my home page and on a few In Memory's I have added it problem


Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 6:45 PM - Response #6

I've always considered it to be a Firefox 'quirk'. I've used FF from day #1 and my playlists DO NOT even attempt to load (for me) until I scroll down to them (Main Page). Whereas, in using IE, the playlists start seconds after the page itself loads.

Edited 06/27/09 6:46 PM
Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 8:55 AM - Response #7

I deleted the Playlist code from "In Memory" and closed my browser (clears everything on close).
Went to Playlist using IE, copied code and pasted back into "In memory" without any editing.

Using IE, version 8. Logged in as Admin, everything worked fine. Logged in using my name, everything worked fine.

Using Firefox: Logged in. Waited on main page for several minutes, no music. Scrolled down, Playlist loaded and played.
Went to In Memory, Playlist loaded and played.

Deleted In Memory code again. Went to Playlist using Firefox, got and loaded code again. Closed browser.
Used Firefox and logged in as Admin and main page music until I scrolled down. In Memory music loaded and played……?

When going to the In Memory page using Firefox, the Playlist is already visible........I'll have to move it down and see if I have to scroll down to get to play......... I moved it down and it worked fine in IE. Using Firefox, I had to scroll to it and then it loaded and played...
This is really weird.

The only reason I thought of it was that I went to the Google Analysis page and saw that some folks came in using Firefox, so then I did. Once I did, I found the problem.

I'll leave the Playlist visible in the In Memory page for a couple of days.

Thanks Brad !!

Ps: I hear you re IE


Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 11:24 AM - Response #8

Interesting... In case you're interested in trying other music alternatives, I added a couple more this morning that people have been talking about here to our FAQS.

1) Click FAQs above
2) Click Qustions about Building Your Site
3) Read Question #18

Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 11:58 AM - Response #9

A note on AOL Radio. You say in the FAQs that it's commercial free. I tried it out and that's not my experience. Every so often it is interrupted with the statement that the music will be back in about two minutes.

Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 12:20 PM - Response #10

Me thinks I'll try to move the Playlists up on the pages and then make them transparent. Then, they should load no matter which browser is used……I hope.

Update: Nope....Firefox still wouldn't work.

I went back to the way it was. Firefox just doesn't want to play well with others for some reason.
I'll dig into "settings" and other stuff to see what I can find.

Thank you Brad and thanks to all who responded.
If I find a fix, I'll pass it along.


Edited 06/28/09 1:02 PM
Thursday, July 2, 2009 at 10:19 AM - Response #11

Just FYI, this is what I received from Playlist. (I like FireFox, but I did put a comment on my site stating that it is best viewed using Internet Explorer).

Hi Gary,

With some versions of Firefox, Flash content will not start until it is in the viewable area - Mozilla can probably best address why this is the case, I'd love to know myself.

As a work around your members could move the player to the top of the page (if possible), or suggest viewing with IE.

If you hear back from Mozilla I'd be very interested in what they have to say, in particular if it is a version or setting issues.

Project Playlist Inc.

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