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Domain Gone/Site Lost?

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 11/23/09 10:41 AM Views: 1461 Replies: 2
Monday, November 23, 2009 at 10:41 AM

Hello Brad,
I'm sending this not on behalf of my husband. We both graduated from same school/different years. His site was

Admittedly, he does not keep up the site as much as he should. With the holidays approaching, he'd tried to update the site, but much to his dismay, when he logs onto, it goes to some generic advertisement site.

I assumed he'd ignored a domain renewal email or something and therefore failed to renew it/lost the site. He of course swears he doesn't recall receiving anything. (I have my doubts...)

Long story short:

1. Is his class website and all its data gone?

2. If not, how can he get it back or does he have to start all over?

Thank you in advance for any guidance.

Kim Chernosky

Monday, November 23, 2009 at 12:57 PM - Response #1

The site and all data are fine, the domain name expired.

1) Go to
2) Log in to your acount
3) Renew your domain name

When you do your site will come back fine.

Monday, November 23, 2009 at 1:44 PM - Response #2

Oh wow! This news will make his day!
As always, thanks again for all your help.


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