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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/03/11 04:05 PM Views: 1179 Replies: 2
Sunday, April 3, 2011 at 4:05 PM

I finally got music on my home page the way I wanted it. Now there is no music on the memeorial page when you go there. Any suggestions. Six days before our school reunion. So looking forward.

Sunday, April 3, 2011 at 4:41 PM - Response #1

Charyln -- looks like you fixed it. The bells are playing Amazing Grace. A favorite of mine.

You might consider setting the default listing for your In Memory members to "Alphabetically".

People generally aren't aware of the year someone passed and it would be easier to locate them by last (maiden) name.

Your site looks great! I'll wish you "good luck" on your reunion -- but I've bet you've got it well under control! Get ready for the accolades! EmbarassedWinkRazz

Edited 04/03/11 4:44 PM
Sunday, April 3, 2011 at 7:08 PM - Response #2


Thank you so much for your input on the school site. This has been planned for a very long tine now, it is here seems like there is so much much much more to do.

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