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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 02/20/14 11:14 AM Views: 741 Replies: 6
Thursday, February 20, 2014 at 11:14 AM

I created a Committee Forum using our Admin Forum on the site. The secretary of the Committee is driving me nuts!!! Twisted EvilTwisted Evil
She keeps on asking why some of the Committee Members aren't showing that they are subscribed even tho they say they have answered yes to all the questions for each topic and thread. She keeps asking me why they aren't getting the posts.Rolling EyesRolling Eyes

I keep telling her they must not be subscribe or not checking the yes boxes to receive emails for all the threads.
Please can someone give me a very simple non-techie answer to this question??

She is driving my other fantastic admin, Ed nuts, too! Shocked

Please help before we lose our minds!!!LaughingLaughing

Thursday, February 20, 2014 at 6:28 PM - Response #2

Hi Darlene - On the co-admins' Detail pages, under Admin Links . . . have you checked the appropriate box to give them access to the admin forums?

Thursday, February 20, 2014 at 6:38 PM - Response #3

Yep...they all have access to the has to do with the secretary thinking they aren't getting the messages because they aren't responding. Most must be getting them because they are many views.
I think we finally got it straightened outQuestionQuestion. My very patiemt other admin....talked to her for an hour on the phone.
I was just hoping there is an simple explanation we can give her.
There is more confusion with the Reunion Committee since I stepped down as the Chair last Nov. Most aren't puter savvy. I only do the website now.

Edited 02/20/14 9:39 PM
Thursday, February 20, 2014 at 7:33 PM - Response #4

See how much they relied on you, Darlene? Smile Don't let 'em drive you anywhere. Smile and take it as a compliment. This too shall pass. Smile

Thursday, February 20, 2014 at 9:37 PM - Response #5

Thanx, Gwen. I needed that pat on the does my very patient Head Admin Ed.

Sunday, February 23, 2014 at 8:34 AM - Response #6

I can understand your frustration! Very few of my committee for our 55th reunion last year knew anything About computers either. Not even many of our Classmates (we are all 74, now) although over 2/3 have emails addys, just don't read them much, and respond? Forget it! But at our hugely successful reunion, I got rave reviews, & enough money to prepay our website for 5 more years! And I cannot seem top get anyone to be a co-admin with me! Yikes! Is a struggle all the time to try to get participation!

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