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How do Create someones profile who has not signed up?

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 07/26/13 05:11 PM Views: 853 Replies: 1
Friday, July 26, 2013 at 5:11 PM

Our class were all born in 1947. Many baby boomers are cluless on may aspects in posting a profile. As Admistrator they have asked me to create their profile even before they join. On some others they are not lost but do not have an email address. I want to create some information about them in their profile.
How do I do this as admistrator? How do I over ride the fact that I am not the person whose profile I am trying tp create?

Edited 07/26/13 5:13 PM
Friday, July 26, 2013 at 5:31 PM - Response #1

Technically, the only way would be to log out of the system and then join as that person to add the information. Obviously, since that person might eventually come to the site they will wonder why your site has all of their information displaying without them having added the info themselves, so I would exercise caution with the level of information that you choose to add on their behalf / without their knowledge.

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