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Maximum Image and Third Party Object Sizes -- must read!
Forums: General Discussion [Sticky] | |||
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![]() When uploading photos or embedding third party objects (such as Youtube videos, players, and slide shows) on your web site it's important you understand the following width limitations: HOME PAGE: Do not upload images or embed objects on your home page wider than 420 pixels. Your home page is in columns and images can't be too big here. If a third party object exceeds 420 pixels, press the Source button in the upper left corner of your editor to adjust the width and height so your object does not exceed 420 pixels. ANNOUNCEMENTS WITH NO BULLETS: Images and third party objects inserted into your Announcements area must be 398 pixels wide or smaller. ANNOUNCEMENTS WITH BULLETS: Images and third party objects inserted into your Announcements area must be 390 pixels wide or smaller if you have turned on the auto bullet feature, which places a bullet before each of your Announcements. SUB PAGES: Do not upload images or embed objects on your sub pages wider than 646 pixels. Your sub pages have precisely 646 pixels of space available for content, so if you upload an image or embed an object exactly 646 pixels wide it will fill the entire page body area except for a small default margin area to the left and the right. USER FORUMS: Do not upload images or embed objects on your User Forum posts wider than 449 pixels. Note: If you upload an image into any of the areas above that is too wide to fit, our system will automatically resize the image for you, thus preventing you from blowing out your margins or page formatting. However, if you are pulling in images from third party sources, such as or, or you are adding third party plugins like Youtube videos or players, you must ensure these objects are not too wide for the space into which you are inserting them. If they are you can resize the object's width and height in the source code so it does not exceed the maximum widths above.
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Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 2:53 PM - Response #1
Thank you Brad! I like the MUST READ note. I just did and successfully embeded the countdown clock.
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Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 4:34 PM - Response #2
Great Information, Thanks! Just to clarify: What about all the sites like "Animation Factory"?: 1. I assume these gifs are considered "third party objects". But when you say the "system will automatically resize the image for you ...." .... Is an "image" the same as a "third party object"? You seem to be defining the latter as things like videos, players, & slideshows. 2. If the system 'will' resize a gif, isn't there something about giving the system "time" to resize by "saving", and not hitting the "backspace key"? 3. And if the system resizes automatically, why would we ever do it? 4. Also, if we do do it, is it better to resize in source code, or in edit mode by grabbing the corner and right clicking? I think all of us "Gif Girls" would like to make sure we get this right, so we can stop yelling, "Brad: Help!" Thanks! N
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![]() If you ever stop doing that, what will become of my job Nancy? All right, here's the answers to your questions: 1) Is an image the same as a third party object? Good question. Generally when I say third party object I'm referring to plugins like Youtube videos, Playlist music players, and Photobucket slideshows. However, if you're pulling in ANY image from some system other than ours, even if it's just a JPG photograph or an animated GIF or something like that, then it's also a third party object. Bottom line, anything at all that you're pulling in from some other system is third party. Third party just means that it's not loading from our servers. If you start pulling stuff in from other systems, which is totally fine and is done all the time here, our system has no awareness of what you're doing. So when you're "going it alone" like this, you need to make sure you don't start pulling stuff in that doesn't fit. Finally, when you're uploading stuff directly to our system (i.e. into your File Vault) and then placing it on your page, our sytem will automatically resize your image down to the maximim possible width, assuming you've uplaoded something that is too big. 2) Regarding your not hitting the back button question: Nope, not anymore. We programmed around this old issue so people can't mess things up no matter how hard they try. 3) If you're uploading stuff to File Vault for insertion onto your site, you don't have to do it. You can just let the system do it. You only need to be concerned with maximum widths if you're pulling stuff in from other systems through your source code. 4) Is it better to resize in code or grab the image handles: It really doesn't matter. Even if you grab the image handles it's just adjusting the code anyway. It's just a visual way of doing the exact same thing. So do I get a gold star from you Gif Girls now, or what?
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Sunday, August 16, 2009 at 12:44 AM - Response #4
...You're on the 'gold star road', for sure; however, no Gold Star, just quite yet, Bradster; but you can collect $200 for effort. We need to take a detour, because I'm also one of the "Clueless, but Called, Cuties": Ok, let's say I'm on the Animation Factory site, I highlight a gif, hit 'copy',..... go back to my site to an unactivated page, in edit mode, place my cursor where I want the gif, click 'paste', allow access etc...... and there she is, the gif I wanted. So, if you are saying that at that point, the system automatically resizes this too wide gif....., I don't understand. I have done that so many times, then activated the page, it's blown, I go screaming, "Brad, Help!"... you come back saying, "Nance, how many times do I have to tell you, you can not put a third party .....?" What am I not getting here? Also, I'm new and haven't read all your "WWW" (Wizard's Wise Words), but for the life of me, I can not recall ever hearing the term "File Vault". Whaz that? (please) It's always so embarrassing to ask questions here, because the answer is always so obvious, but I never 'get it'. I wish I had Kyle's brain! Thanks for answering, N
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![]() That's the whole purpose of the forum Nancy! Again, don't put me out of a job. Let me say it again so it's perfectly clear: When you insert a third party object onto your site, whether it's something you're copying and pasting or whether you're directly inserting it into your source code, our system does NOT resize it for you. In fact that's the whole poing of this discussion. Our system only resizes images for you if you're actually uploading them to your own web site, and NOT calling them in from somebody else's servers. I.E. our system will resize images for you if you do this: 1) Save an image to your own hard drive If you're pulling in stuf from other systems, which is usually done by pasting things into the source code (but can also be done just by copying and pasting images), we can't possibly have any idea what you're doing. Code is code. You can do anything you want with it. You can totally take your site to the next level with it, and you can also royally screw up your site with it. And again, that's the point of this thread. We're trying to help you take your site to the next level, and avoid royally messing it up. Most Class Creator Administrators rarely if ever go into code view. The people here in these forums are much more likely to do so than most. Many successful class web sites are run without the Administrator pressing the source button a single time. But, tweaking things at the code level, or working with objects from other systems really isn't so hard, and you really can do some amazing things on your site if you're working at this level, but it's helpful to know the pitfalls too. And one of the big ones is attempting to put third party objects somewhere on your site where they don't fit. Knowing a little bit about maximum sizes, and how to resize objects coming from somebody else's system, is all it takes to keep things in check and allow you to really explore what's possible out there. All right I want my gold star now. No objections.
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Sunday, August 16, 2009 at 5:49 AM - Response #6
Perfect! Thanks so much for taking all that time!! GOLD STAR? Absolutely! .... in fact 2 Gold Stars & induction as an honorary card carrying member of the Gif Girl's "Clueless & Called Cuties Club"!! I mean, how much better can it get, Bradster?! Bless you! N
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Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 12:23 AM - Response #7
Hi, All of the Topic Pages on my User Forum {All About Archers }, that have anything but writing on them, are 'blown out' at the top. Can't believe I just noticed. 1. Max for Sub pages = 646 2. In researching, I find this thread that I started & now it hits me that I am not doing what you said to upload. This is how I put my photos, gif images found on sites { = 3rd party } Save to my hard drive And my image/photo is there I thought that my images did not go to the Vault File UNTIL I uploaded it for the first time to my page from my hard drive via 'browse' 2. A ) But it sounds like you are saying that when I save to my hard drive, the image automatically goes to the CC File Vault, so when I put it on my page for the first time, I should go to the Vault to get it, not my hard drive -- is that correct ?? 2. B ) If so, then when I do it my way via browse, why when I upload it does it not say that that image already exists, do I want to replace? I knew that if I used an image for the 2nd time, I had to find it in the Vault. 2. C ) So am I "duplicating" every thing I upload via browse b/c it is already in the vault? Geez! 3. Ok I'll do the work to find out why the pages are blown, as ling as I unerstand that I go to Source Code and look for anything that is larger than 646? and resize down to 646? 4. Is there any shortcut other than #3 above that I should look for or will it just be obvious? So sorry, I can't seem to get this thru my head! Thanks for your patience, N
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Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 12:35 AM - Response #8
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Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 12:59 AM - Response #9
I changed the photo widths to 449. The Forums have a left-side margin where it shows the name, when joined, number of posts, etc. That is why they cannot be 646. Your page now looks fine. (It might be one or two pixels blown out).
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Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 2:08 AM - Response #10
Thanks, Kyle! Would it be a good idea for Brad to include that exception in the "Sicky" note at the top of this thread? Maybe break out what a Sub Page is or is not. Just a thought! Thanks again for your consistantly 'right on' informative answers! Blessings, N
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Friday, June 18, 2010 at 10:24 AM - Response #11
Thanks Brad, Now I keep a copy on a post it above my computer for that purpose! Kevin
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Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 6:27 AM - Response #12
Hi Brad et al, something changed today to make our announcements area "blow out". As I was pretty sure I hadn't changed anything in our announcements are in the last day to cause it, I thought I'd see if your support guys could quickly find if it's a problem just in our home page or not? If it is something on our page, I will have egg on my face BTW, I did a random check of a few other reunion group's sites home pages and saw that *some* of them also showing "blown out" announcement areas too. And, I will mention that I noticed our fully blown out in IE8 and Chrome, while Firefox just barely showed the annoucements overlapping the right panel. Cheers! Allen.
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Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 8:59 AM - Response #13
There is a problem with THIS DAY IN HISTORY. The width changed overnight. We are aware of this problem and have programmers looking into this. Please hang tight. If it isn't fixed today, it should automatically get fixed tomorrow when a new THIS DAY IN HISTORY is loaded.
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Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 12:52 PM - Response #14
Thought I was going crazy. Around midnight the announcements suddenly blew-out the home page.
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 1:57 PM - Response #15
Brad, would the maximum # of pixels in an image width be the same for the Message Forum as the User Forums, 449 pixels?
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![]() The Message Forums Max width is 624. The User Forums max width is 449. The difference is that the user forums have a left column with the profile photo included.
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 5:56 PM - Response #17
Thanks much, Scott!!
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 4:14 PM - Response #18
Can you explain simply enough for me to understand why sometimes all my announcements are at the bottom of the home page with a great big blank white space above? My images and 3rd party items are much smaller than 449 and they still move. When I increase my viewing to 125% they move back up to the top. I'm concerned about what everyone else is seeing. At what percentage should I be viewing on my screen that will guarantee that everyone else see everything where it should be? Cheryl
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![]() Percentage won't have anything to do with it. If you're at 100% view and your content is starting at the bottom of the screen after your right modules, then there's a very real problem that 100% of your Classmates are seeing. Usually it's something in the content larger than 420, but sometimes it can be hard to find. For instance, if you have an image in there that is exactly 420 pixels wide, and then you have an extra space to the right or the left of it, that little extra space alone will push the image all the way to the bottom of the page. The reason is the image was already to the pixel the maximum size that column could accommodate. The moment you add the extra space now as a whole the image and space combo can't fit there, so the browser moves it down the screen until it finds the first place it will fit -- in this case that's directly below your right hand modules. Bottom line, every time you see this using normal 100% view, there's a real problem that needs to be corrected. There's a variety of things that can cause this same problem, so the best thing to do is you can't figure it out is report it here. We'll figure it out, we'll tell you exactly what's causing the issue, and you'll be able to add that to your list of things to look for next time.
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Sunday, November 7, 2010 at 12:13 PM - Response #20
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![]() In this case the trick is to remove all the "junk" that was part of the opening div. Just a simple div alone is all that's needed here. Note I removed the < and > brackets before and after the div because putting them here causes this answer to display incorrectly.
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Sunday, November 7, 2010 at 8:07 PM - Response #22
Brad Switzer wrote: In this case the trick is to remove all the "junk" that was part of the opening . Just a simple alone is all that's needed here. Brad: What I saw of your post on the email I got about this post vs. seeing it here on the forums was different. Because of the 'code' part. Is there anyway to display a bit or chunk of code here without it being converted to what it is supposed to be doing? In fact just including the quoted part of your reply with the embedded "div" instruction seems to have put my reply into the quoted part of your message. In case it matters, I'm using Firefox almost exclusively now; given up on Chrome.
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![]() Apparently not with a div. |
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010 at 4:40 PM - Response #24
Hi Brad and company! I'm enjoying my classcreator website and the support from this ace team. I'm new and have a question about my classmates using up my image vault someday. Do you all limit the size of images posted by our members? I guess I can by going in after the fact and reducing them. What's the max size a person can upload at a time? Thanks! Richard
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![]() Any images uploaded to Classmate Profile pages don't count in your File Vault space. The only area of the system where Classmate-uploaded images do count is Gallery Creator. All images uploaded to Gallery Creator greater than 1000 pixels wide will be resized by the system to exactly 1000 pixels. While theoretically you could go in and reduce them further, you'll save very little space by doing so. Personally I would not bother. If you're concerned about space I'd either not allow Community Galleries at all for the time being, or if you wish shortly there will be a new Platinum Membership package with custom email boxes and other things available. The Platinum Membership will have 500% more storage space and transfer too. Should be available in the system in December.
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010 at 10:49 AM - Response #26
Thanks for sharing! I'm a retiree and having my ERHS Alumni website is a hobby and luxury. And so I keep thinking of these questions that don't seem to have printed answers anywhere I can find them. But the support here is the best I've ever experienced! And that's saying alot! Thanks! Richard
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![]() You're Welcome!
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Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 12:55 PM - Response #28
The background images run in a repeating pattern but they sometimes start in the middle of the image (at least just to the right of the content on my Firefox browser). Is there some appropriate width they can be set to prior to uploading to have them start at the right point? Will that depend on which browser classmates are using? Jim
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![]() The designes are 923 pixels wide right now. So, a background that is 923 wide, would begin its second repeat at the right edge of your design. Or, you could go half that, 462, and the image would begin on the right edge of your site for the 3rd repeat. You can work out the math from there for smaller versions.
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Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 1:59 PM - Response #30
Thanks Scott. I went with the 462 and it came out great. Jim
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Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 2:02 PM - Response #31
I have tried changing the size in the source code and click source code after I was finishes for the player but they remained just as large, What amm I doing wrong. I have one on the reunion page playing party songs but it is much too large and I need that one especially, to be smaller so people can see the payment page without scrolling too much. Also, I see many people uploading their profile pictures and they fill almost the whole page. How can i make it smaller? Thanks.
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Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 2:25 PM - Response #32
For the PlayList source code, there are usually 4 or 5 widths that you need to change. I noticed there were two additional widths that needed changing on your reunion planner page, so I changed it for you. The Profile pictures should resize automatically.
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Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 7:37 PM - Response #33
Thank you Kyle. Clair
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Friday, September 9, 2011 at 2:03 PM - Response #34
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Friday, September 9, 2011 at 3:31 PM - Response #35
Hi Diana, We are in the midst of upgrading the site to allow finer control over the layout, and I don't even know yet what the full details are on that (such as what exactly can be changed and when it will be available). In the meantime, I'm afraid the columnar structure is not changeable. You can hide or display various sidebar items within the content area on your pages, thereby somewhat controlling the space you have to work with, but that's the best we can do for now. Also, top row navigation versus sidebar nav is currently dependent on the template you choose for your site, though the new version will allow more flexibility there, too.
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Friday, September 9, 2011 at 11:35 PM - Response #36
Thanks. When I switch to the only top row navigation nav I see, it only puts "home" and "contact us" at top. 'd like it to put all of my links at the top for my business site I'm satisfied with what it does for my class site. D.
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Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 9:12 AM - Response #37
kenedy&adams.jpg Wow Thanks for re-posting. You know I had many problems with this when I first came aboard. Which brings me to my question; I have posted a story from our local newspaper, I have tried to embed the graphic and I will not upload to the file vault. Is there something else wrong? Looking at its source code, it should fit. I would really like to use it if possible. thanks! We out did our July membership (14) August we had (16) new members! Yippee!
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Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 10:36 AM - Response #38
Also, I am not able to upload any photo, has something changed over the last week or so? I am doing what I usually do, but photos are not uploading to file vault, sometimes I can even copy then paste, but nothing seems to be working for me. I will check back a little later, running late for church. Thanks!
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Monday, September 12, 2011 at 1:48 PM - Response #39
Hi Cynthia, You have only used about a quarter of your File Vault capacity, so I'm not sure what may be causing the difficulty you're having with uploads. Are you by chance using Internet Explorer 9? (If you are using IE, you can find out the version by selecting the "Help" menu and clicking on "About Internet Explorer".) If you ARE using IE9, try selecting the "Tools" menu and clicking on "Compatibility Mode" and that should fix the problem. Otherwise, you may have to give us a more detailed description of what you are doing and exactly what result you get.
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Sunday, October 14, 2012 at 9:25 AM - Response #40
Hello Brad, 1) When I want to add something to our site, I try and search the file vault to be sure I'm not duplicating pics. In doing so, I noted some of the file vault pics are huge, and I can't seem to adjust them while IN the file vault. Once I transfer them to the page, yes. That's not been an issue. My concern is these large files using file vault space. Does that make sense? 2) Is it possible to change the name of the file vault pics making it easier to know what the files are?
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Monday, October 15, 2012 at 12:10 PM - Response #41
You can't change the names of files in the Vault, but you can delete them an re-upload them with different names. Be sure to change any links to them when you do so. Images are resized to an appropriate size for display on a web page when they are uploaded to the vault, but only if they are larger than appropriate. Smaller images will take up less space, but images in the vault are generally not the issue when you're running low on space unless you have a really large number of images.
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 4:50 PM - Response #42
Mmm, that's not accurate advice Eric. The dimension size might be appropriate, however, CC's system makes a file HUGE when it makes a size adjustment. It's very possible to end up with a file 3 times larger when it's only adjusting a few pixel widths. That's why it's important to make an image the maximum size on one's own system before uploading OR upload directly and create one's own links. It's very easy to shrink vault space in 1/2 when making corrections as noted before uploading.
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Sunday, December 16, 2012 at 2:51 PM - Response #43
One of my admins inadvertently copied an entire webpage from the local newspaper when trying to post an obit. This obit posting has taken over our Message Forum and we cannot get to the posting to delete it. We've asked for help on the Report a Bug forum. However, when one looks at the Forum list, our posting (which is the latest) is not listed as the last posting. One from 3 days ago is listed. I'm afraid this means our problem has remained underneath your radar. Again, our Message Forum no longer can function because of this problem and we have no means to correct it that we're ware of. And, if this action can lock up that page, then similar actions in the future pose a problem to the sites unless it is fixed.
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Sunday, December 16, 2012 at 7:24 PM - Response #44
Jake, Is this the right website: Kyle
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Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 8:51 AM - Response #45
Hello CC Team! May we please have an update on the maximum pixels allowed by page? (as listed in Brad's original post on this topic) I believe some of these limits have increased since the January 2013 release, right? Thanks!
HOME PAGE: Do not upload images or embed objects on your home page wider than 420 pixels. Your home page is in columns and images can't be too big here. If a third party object exceeds 420 pixels, press the Source button in the upper left corner of your editor to adjust the width and height so your object does not exceed 420 pixels. ANNOUNCEMENTS WITH NO BULLETS: Images and third party objects inserted into your Announcements area must be 398 pixels wide or smaller. ANNOUNCEMENTS WITH BULLETS: Images and third party objects inserted into your Announcements area must be 390 pixels wide or smaller if you have turned on the auto bullet feature, which places a bullet before each of your Announcements. SUB PAGES: Do not upload images or embed objects on your sub pages wider than 646 pixels. Your sub pages have precisely 646 pixels of space available for content, so if you upload an image or embed an object exactly 646 pixels wide it will fill the entire page body area except for a small default margin area to the left and the right. USER FORUMS: Do not upload images or embed objects on your User Forum posts wider than 449 pixels...
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Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 12:57 PM - Response #46
Hi Teresa, I had the same question but found the new information under Class Creator FAQ > Questions About Building Your Site > Item #8. Cheers.
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Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 2:19 PM - Response #47
Thanks Dave! That's good to know -- except it is missing the one bit of information I was looking for today: the maximum pixel size for photos in the USER FORUMS! From the FAQ: HOME PAGE: Do not upload images or embed objects on your home page wider than 459 pixels. Your home page is in columns and images can’t be too big here. If a third party object exceeds 459 pixels, press the Source button in the upper left corner of your editor to adjust the width and height so your object does not exceed 459 pixels.
SUB PAGES: Do not upload images or embed objects on your sub pages wider than 685 pixels. Your sub pages have precisely 685 pixels of space available for content, so if you upload an image or embed an object exactly 685 pixels wide it will fill the entire page body area except for a small default margin area to the left and the right. ANNOUNCEMENTS WITH NO BULLETS: Images and third party objects inserted into your Announcements area must be 437 pixels wide or smaller. ANNOUNCEMENTS WITH BULLETS: Images and third party objects inserted into your Announcements area must be 429 pixels wide or smaller if you have turned on the auto bullet feature, which places a bullet before each of your Announcements.
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Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 3:10 PM - Response #48
All those had 39 pixels added. So User forums should be 449 +39= 488 The easiest way to verify is just to post an image. Instant answer.
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Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 4:41 PM - Response #49
Thought of that: I tried just posting a picture, but it doesn't provide the default pixel size in the image details. I wasn't aware that it is "+39" in all cases, so thank you for that tidbit, Jack!
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Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 6:56 PM - Response #50
If you click on a picture in the editor and then click the resize icon it shows the pixel size. Or right click in FF and select Image Info. IE is properties. Safari, open image in a new tab. Those give raw image sizes, not the resized values (FF does). Chrome you have to save it (as far as I can tell). Pretty sure max is 488 though
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Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 7:30 PM - Response #51
Earlier, I set the pixel width to 488 and it seems to fit perfectly. Just now, I clicked the resize icon (never used that before!), and it reduced the image to 427 pixels wide. (???) I use Safari, and have previously tried to find the the image size by opening the photo on a new page, but the option to view raw source info is grayed out. Actually, Safari does let me view the raw source on the actual forum page where the photo exists--and I can see the photo file size in the source code there. Thanks for the ideas, Jack! Still, I must say that it would all be much easier if someone from the CC Team will simply post the maximum pixel width for photos uploaded to the USER FORUMS That number appears to be 488.
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Friday, March 29, 2013 at 12:36 AM - Response #52
There is a Chrome extension that allows viewing the size of an image file without having to save the annoying. It's called "Image Size Info". Catchy name, yes? The extension adds another option to an image's right-click, drop down menu called View Image Info, which, when selected, immediately opens a popup window showing the page URL, the dimensions of the original image, the displayed image size and the file size. It's been very handy for me on numerous occasions. It looks like it's just for Chrome at this point. Go HERE for more information and to view screenshots of the extension at work.
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Friday, March 29, 2013 at 7:37 AM - Response #53
Thanks Dave. On my mobile this weekend, I'll take a look at it when I'm back at my PC.
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Monday, October 14, 2013 at 9:29 AM - Response #54
Attempting to add items to my File Vault (jpg & pdf). However, yesterday I was at 40% capacity, today this is the message: Currently storing 408.95 MB of available 25 MB (at 1635.81% capacity) I have a Platinum Subscription. Which, according to the description (on The Platinum Plan comes with 1 gigabyte of storage space. I believe there are roughly 1024 mb in 1 gb. So my question is: Why do I only have 25 MB of space... after paying for 3 years of Platinum? We have been successful in locating and recruiting 31 of our classmates in the past month; hopeful to find the other 130. Do I stop telling them to upload their photos? Have spent hours uploading and deleting photos and there is no change in my "currently storing" status. Why is this? Thank you for addressing these concerns,
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![]() Lisa - we have had multiple reports of this file vault issue and we are working to resolve the issue. Hopefully yet this evening.
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Monday, October 14, 2013 at 6:10 PM - Response #56
Oh, so I am correct? I should have space.
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013 at 1:59 PM - Response #57
Brad can you email me privately? Thanks... j
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013 at 2:07 PM - Response #58
Hi Jimmy, I removed your email address because this is a public forum post. Please use our contact form at and click on Email to send a private message. Thank you, Jessica
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Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 7:07 PM - Response #59
Hi Brad/Admins,
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Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 8:01 PM - Response #60
The first one is the upchucky link. Make it a link like THIS that is just a name for the link. The second one is the extra code that accidentally got left there when you pasted the source for the grooveshark player. Just delete everything that's "showing" starting with "object" and it will work OK. Or you can remove the whole thing and paste it in again. Your images are 390, but they can be around 430 or so now. I had a crash and can't run IE11 or else I'd tell you for sure
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Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 8:20 PM - Response #61
The picture of the guy with the snowblower on my home page is 420 wide. It blew out at 430 wide when viewed with W8.1 and IE11.
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Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 8:42 PM - Response #62
Hi Jack,
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Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 9:02 PM - Response #63
Thanks for checking FC. I was too lazy to make an actual page and IE10 is a pain for temporary overrides. IE11 is so much better/easier at modifying code while it's running. Almost as good as FF FYI: FF tolerates 430 in Diane's case. All this basic info needs to be consolidated in a current updated help file. FAQ actually says 459 for home page and that or sure won't work if there are right side modules. It's wider below and that's actually way larger than 459, it's actually 685. That's ignoring announcement table margins and also optional borders on images and tables in general. So for announcements, it's probably more like 412.
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Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 9:06 PM - Response #64
Glad it worked. I like your "the best things in life are free" image.
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Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 11:49 PM - Response #65
Jack Vermeulen wrote: FYI: FF tolerates 430 in Diane's case. Update: Directly on the home page IE11 also tolerates 430. In fact it tolerates 440 but not 445. The 420 being ok and 430 blowing out that I referenced in Response #61 was actually for an announcement where the block at the bottom of the Announcements Page is NOT checked for: Show bullet before each Announcement If this option is checked 410 is ok but not 415.
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Monday, February 17, 2014 at 12:48 AM - Response #66
Oh, I didn't realize your image was in an announcement. There's spacing of 7px that is forced there, so that adds 14 to the 423 (actual max in an announcement) or 437 in the wild. So I sort of remembered (Sort of related in terms of spacing - I found out an interesting trick to get -0- spacing between images and inside of tables - set the font size to 0. Had to to that for something I was going to post for drop images Valentines, but machine broke. Need to get it easy to use as paste in code.) We need to make a table reference here. As I recall, you made some pretty nice decision tables I don't think this description is going to work: If you have no tables and no announcements it's 437, but if you have a table in an announcement (which is also a table) plus bullets and you haven't modified the font spacing size, the it's 410 unless ... Although I was joking, what you did before made it very simple to figure out the combinations. I'll extend your free subscription some more.
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Monday, February 17, 2014 at 1:21 AM - Response #67
I'll see what I can put together. But not tonight.
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Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 8:46 PM - Response #68
Our site is not displaying Home Page announcements correctly - even with no images or objects wider than 395 pixels - and everything was displaying correctly with all the same announcements before, i.e., it just went on the fritz with nothing being changed from the last time everything displayed as expected. Now, the content doesn't start to appear until below the bottom of the objects embedded on the right hand side (facebook, profile updates, who's online, upcoming birthdays,etc.) We've had this problem before, and narrowing the pictures always worked before, but not this time. If I deactivate the announcements containing a number of pictures, content displays all the way to the top. And FYI, the two announcements in question are: "W. Trumpteer V51 #3" and Any help in resolving this is appreciated. PS: I tested this with the latest version of Firefox and Safari on my Mac (Yosemite 10.10.50), on Firefox in Windows, and on Chrome and Firefox in Android (Lollipop 5.1).
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Wednesday, September 2, 2015 at 12:27 AM - Response #69
The image from David Stanger's scrapbook is too wide. It's set to 416 but should be 410 (or less). You have 390 in the others.
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![]() Jack is correct. I made them all 390 as well as changed the border to 0. Adding a border adds additional pixels to the width. The announcements are now back to the top.
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Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at 9:26 PM - Response #71
Thanks a lot.... ...much appreciated. ....btw, speaking of image borders, I often use them in pictures on In Memory pages and once upon a time I was able to specify a border color, but can't figure out how to do it again... there a simple way?
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Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at 10:36 PM - Response #72
For CC editor, there is in source mode. Once you use the CC editor to add a border using Image Properties - right click on top of image. That adds a (style) statement for the image. Inside that 'style' add border-color: #rrggbb where rgb is the hex color value you get by combining RGB. For example #FF0000 is pure red, #00FF00 is pure green and #0000FF is pure blue. You can get the codes by using an online HTML color generator. (edit fixed strange typos
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Sunday, September 13, 2015 at 7:24 PM - Response #73
Yay! Another simple mystery solved. Thanks a ton!
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Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 9:59 PM - Response #74
tempsnip 1.png Hi, I have worked for a week on an announcement with graphics & everytime I upload it to the Vault and bring it into the annoucement page, you can't read it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 10:12 PM - Response #75
Is that a screenshot of the announcement? Looks fine to me. Since you don't allow your page to show, can't give much more. One bit of generic advice is to use the File Vault - NOT - the Image upload. If an image is larger than the max, CC will redo the image. But I can't tell since I can't see your announcement.
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Wednesday, August 11, 2021 at 5:31 PM - Response #76
Fall Ball 23.docx Jack, thanks for responding. Right, I'm uploading to the File Vault and then clicking on it to bring it into the page. Oh it is a snip.... Now, I've redone it in MS Word with text box holders so I can insert the pictures later - I can't convert it to jpeg or png from a PDF. I did try to paste it into page, but it won't even load it. Is because of the formatting? Then I did it GIMP, converted it and still won't load. I don't how to give you permission to see the page....
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Wednesday, August 11, 2021 at 8:33 PM - Response #77
You just need to make the page with the images viewable to ALL, not just classmates. If it's on the home page (which I think it is since you said announcement), the home page needs to be made made viewable in "Edit Site Pages" option link.
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Thursday, August 12, 2021 at 8:38 AM - Response #78
Jack, Thanks. I will try that.
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Thursday, August 12, 2021 at 3:59 PM - Response #79
Jack, one more question please. Can you post a 'fill in the blank' PDF file? I decideed to do the announcement manually and so far is working just fine. Thanks Cathy
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