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I'd like to see who's online

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 07/13/08 09:54 PM Views: 1810 Replies: 9
Sunday, July 13, 2008 at 9:54 PM

I would like to see a "who's logged in" module added to the admin functions. Also maybe a very small chat client option.

Clickety click

Edited 07/16/08 10:51 AM
Sunday, July 13, 2008 at 10:00 PM - Response #1

This Fall/Winter we will be developing what we're dubbing "Real Time Communication Templates." These new templates will feature:

1) Ability to see who's currently online
2) Ability to instant message logged-in Classmates
3) Ability to send "bulletins" to other Classmate's bulletin board. Bulletins will be a variety of things of your choosing, such as sending a post it note. Or a photo.
4) Ability to chat with multiple logged-in Classmates (real time chat)

We have over 300 enhnacements to the system already on the table before we get to the new Real Time Communication Templates. But, they are coming.

Edited 07/16/08 2:21 AM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 12:24 AM - Response #2

Ditto. I'd love to know who's on line as well! The instant messaging thing would be great too!

Keep up the great work Brad (and company)!


Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 2:22 PM - Response #3

Is there any plan to post a comprehensive list of the upcoming changes? I'm still trying to determine whether to move my site or not and it'd be great to see features that will be added in the near future to help make that decision.


Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 5:32 PM - Response #4

I think you should give some very careful consideration before moving your site. I searched and searched for a user friendly site for little or no cost....this was the best I found. Keep in mind that upgrades are always coming and the team at ClassCreator is the best!!

I personally will be patient and wait for all the cool features to will be worth it!

Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 6:27 PM - Response #5

All kinds of stuff is coming. It would be very hard to go over all of them. Just a few off the top of my head though:

1) Themed designs for each decade

2) Advanced Photoshop designs so those with Photoshop skills can create any look/feel they want and use the design in confuntion with the Class Creator system.

3) Built in history and historic videos for each year starting with 1955

4) Threaded message forums

5) Play classic video games on your web site

6) Real time communication templates, allowing for instant bulletins, instant messaging, live chat, discussion forums, and email communication to all happen at the same time

7) Automated monthly email newsletter with ability to customize if desired before each issue gets sent out

We're also working on a new reunion planner with customizable questions, better reporting, and upgrade to more traditional add to cart system. Probably some type of automated class book system that can be printed. And a new file library feature that anyone with a domain name will have access to.

I could go on and on. Instead, give us some ideas on what you'd like to see. I can tell you if it's on the list or not, and if it's a new idea, we may well add it to the "to do" list. This whole system has been shaped by the community and will continue to be shaped by the community.

Edited 07/19/08 6:45 PM
Monday, October 13, 2008 at 10:15 AM - Response #6

Brad I Love all these ideas, is there anyway you could set up a page with all the upcoming idea so I can sell the site to my class... right now I'm paying for everything and that is cool for now but I understand when the new idea are implemented there will be an additional cost and I'd like the class treasury to cover those expenses. It is easier to get people to commit if they know what they will be getting, other than my assurances that it will be REALLY COOL! LOL

Thanks for everything!

Brad Switzer wrote:

This Fall/Winter we will be developing what we're dubbing "Real Time Communication Templates." These new templates will feature:

1) Ability to see who's currently online
2) Ability to instant message logged-in Classmates
3) Ability to send "bulletins" to other Classmate's bulletin board. Bulletins will be a variety of things of your choosing, such as sending a post it note. Or a photo.
4) Ability to chat with multiple logged-in Classmates (real time chat)

We have over 300 enhnacements to the system already on the table before we get to the new Real Time Communication Templates. But, they are coming.

Monday, October 13, 2008 at 11:24 AM - Response #7

For now these Forums are that page. Threads just like this one in fact. I really can't keep up with a public "to do" list because tasks and priorities change regularly. All of the things mentioned here are coming, but some of them (such as real time communication templates) will be much longer in the making than others (like themed templates launching next week).

My best recommendation for you is to subscribe to the Forums so new posts are emailed to you, and then anything that catches your eye subscribe to the thread. That way you'll always be in the know about what we're doing here and what's comin' up next.

Edited 10/16/08 10:36 PM
Monday, October 13, 2008 at 2:39 PM - Response #8

YAY on the themed templates coming out this week! Whohoo! I'm excited, can you tell? LOL

Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 2:20 PM - Response #9

These new features sound great! I can't hardly wait! Thanks for all of your hard work.

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