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Missing Classmate Found, In a Rest Home

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/21/10 12:10 AM Views: 2116 Replies: 6
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 12:10 AM

Sadly, one of my classmates has been located and is in a rest home, essentially not able to communicate.

Any recommendations on how to handle that type situation in ClassCreator? She really is no longer missing, but also not registered so other classmates interested might know where she is. As it stands, she continues to be reported missing.

We are having a Reunion in September, and this classmate is in the home right there in Anadarko. It would be nice if some friends knew to drop by for a visit, then again she may not even remember anyone? How do I honor such a difficult situation?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 12:22 AM - Response #1

You can put "notmissing" in the e-mail address field of the classmate and they will stop showing up in the Missing Classmates page. (leave off the quote marks)

Edited 04/21/10 12:22 AM
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 5:47 AM - Response #2

I would see if you can locate her family ie: Children etc etc and ask permission to put her information on your website.
You can then email the class with her information about her.
Her family will then be able to tell you if she would want visitors.
You can also do what Kyle said..about notmissing in the email addy if you can't get any information.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 9:04 AM - Response #3

Great that your classmate was "found" although not optimal circumstances...but most essential that you do pass the word on so that others might send a greeting or stop by while attending the reunion!
Ask the nursing home staff for a point of contact, or ask your can always post the address for the nursing home on a "Sunshine" page, not open to the public, but a point of contact where letters may be sent. Our "sunshine" page posts joyous announcements as well, but is a place to leave previously posted "condolences" for deaths, family news and prayer requests.
The most important thing is getting the word out and encouraging others to remember one in need! Sadly, I've heard stories of some of our classmates dying in nursing homes with essentially no visitors, because people are uncomfortable with such...the irony is that it helps everyone and makes such a huge difference...even a little card, flowers, a note of encouragement. Many need prompting to go out of their own comfort zone, but it is a beautiful blessing to all when the choice is made to be thoughtful.
Thanks for being a thoughtful administrator...i've always figured what goes around, comes around and but for the Grace of God, that could be any one of us someday!
Nursing Home workers are mostly angels in disguise, the work is quite laborious and they will tell you that any visitor is a good one!
Have a great day! Thanks for being there for your classmates.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 6:37 PM - Response #4

Well said Kris!

Monday, May 3, 2010 at 8:12 PM - Response #5

I found that two of our classmates are in nursing homes. For lack of a better place to put them, I included them in the "In Memory" section but included an explanation you can't miss as you scroll down. I also made a tab on the left, put their pictures on there with a note and a link to their page.

Monday, May 3, 2010 at 8:48 PM - Response #6

Is that like a "waiting list" for the Memory page?
Perhaps you could make a survey page into a "Please Remember" page...i made a "Missing, Sort Of" page that mentions those i have found, so they are not officially "missing", but many noncompliant or ill, with a point of contact, but not "registered" on the site. As we speak i am trying to track down an address for a classmate that is incarcerated and many do not want to even discuss such things unless it's gossip...but my quest continues. One never knows when a kind word or act may make a huge difference in the life of another...
Sorry, i'm a nurse by "profession", and while trying to "find" everyone,we have had some very sad stories from family and friends of classmates about their nursing home experiences, some brief stays that had few if any visitors...along with some almost "inspiring" stories of great Hospice care, a chance to say "good-bye" and express feelings no one had done before. I hope to encourage our classmates to reach out and make a difference at such a difficult time. Many are often forced to deal with the uncomfortable concept of our own immortality...and we never figure it will happen to us.
Hope you all have a great reunion! Thanks for not "forgetting" those that need some TLC!

p.s. I am sorry Robert...i am a little slow on the uptake. I just reread your post and checked out your page. It is very nice and your efforts are to be commended! I was just taken aback by being on a Memory page...each name i add to our Memory page brings sadness to many, and it is my hope that we can somehow turn that "sadness" into a Memorial Tribute of sorts, as many have no other place to leave their messages remembrances. So far our class has been slow to figure this all out, but Hope Springs Eternal!
Thanks again for remembering your classmates in the nursing home! You've done a great job with your site! Once again, please forgive my ignorance!

Edited 05/03/10 10:42 PM
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