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Keeping interest in your site/June 4th--Battle of Midway

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 06/02/15 03:55 PM Views: 985 Replies: 2
Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 3:55 PM

The classmates in my graduating class are old enough to remember and appreciate clips about WWII. If you're site is around the same age, I posted a 5 minute clip about June 4th being the Battle of Midway on my homepage. Easy to copy if you like it. (This is in addition to any post for June 6th).

Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 5:26 PM - Response #1

Last winter I did a series called "WWII at Christmas" that might interest your classmates. I"ll reopen it so you can see if it's something your might want to suggest. It also contains other Christmas stuff, but I do have an index so finding the WWII stuff will be easy.

I recently received an email from the person who runs the Illionois Veterans and Community Classroom Project. It's a nationwide program that teaches high school students to interview and make documentaries about vets -- the results are fascinating and very professional. The link is:

Thanks for letting us check out the Battle of Midway clip.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at 6:32 PM - Response #2

Thanks Carole,
I'll check your site out.
P.S. Contact me anytime.

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