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I Want To See All Notify Me Choices Of Each Classmates

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 01/04/15 11:32 AM Views: 1461 Replies: 14
Sunday, January 4, 2015 at 11:32 AM

Many of my classmates are computer non-literate.
I must often figure out what they did and did not do on the web site.
I want to be able to see exactly which classmate's profiles they subscribed to and the options they selected.
I'd like to see all their entire Notify Me selections just as they see them.
I think that what's avail in Statistics does not show me all the Notify Me options they selected.

Sunday, January 4, 2015 at 2:02 PM - Response #1

This was a big issue and one discussed in the forums on several occasions. The end result was to not make this information available. Many people consider it a violation of privacy. e.g. which classmates I'm following should be my own business, and not known to anyone other than me.

If a classmate is asking for assistance with this I suggest asking the classmate for his or her login/password.

Sunday, January 4, 2015 at 3:44 PM - Response #2

Public visiblity and admin visibility are two very different things. Admins often need to see how classmates have set their notify options. And while we can already do that by checking each catagory's options (one at a time), it would sure help if we could see them all for each classmate.

As far as knowing which classmates someone is subscribed to, again, that's an admin function which we need to help explain why someone isn't getting what they think they should. Asking for their login info is an answer many would not be comfortable with. And I have no need for - nor would I ask for - the ability to read someone's private messages.

Sunday, January 4, 2015 at 4:01 PM - Response #3

Technically that's NOT true. CC knows Cool

What's the difference between CC knowing and an admin knowing? If we had our own sites (everything created by the 'admin", we would perform CC's function. And therefore have access to ALL the information.

Sometimes I think the circularity of thinking is what gets things a bit convoluted.

Brad Switzer wrote:

e.g. which classmates I'm following should be my own business, and not known to anyone other than me.

Edited 01/04/15 4:01 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2015 at 4:45 PM - Response #4

There is usually a point in almost every support call I make to my cable company for help with my internet access where I give over control of my computer and operating system to them and they review and change settings. I can see not letting them have permission to do that unless I ask, but since I'm asking, that's what I want - help! At least allow root admins or their designee the ability to get down to this level, or at least their CC settings, at the user's bidding.

Edited 01/04/15 5:19 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2015 at 6:16 PM - Response #5

My 2 cents...I don't care about their notifications. If they need help..Tell them you will set their notifications up for them but you will need them to give you their password can change their password yourself and then log in with their user id and their password. Then you can set their notifications the way they want them.
I would email a screen shot of the list of notifications... have them check the boxes and send their answers to you in an email.
Make sure you get their permission in email, snail mail...the form...keep it in a file folder. This way you will have proof that they allowed you to change their profile...People forget..we make out alumni sign a form if they aren't computer savvy or don't have access to the internet by snail mail. Some don't want their info on the site..but they want to know about an event coming up.
I hope this helps.
BTW...I am with Brad on this one!!! Wink

Sunday, January 4, 2015 at 8:04 PM - Response #6

It's not exactly being in agreement with anyone, but realizing how web sites work. For example, classmates can't see where people live nor their phone number.Yet the ADMINS can.

If the excuse is we need that to contact them, that is just that, an excuse. It's still a privacy issue.

It's really no different than knowing their Notify Choices.

I personally don't care to know. This is more an explanation of how we do exactly what is supposedly a privacy issue with OTHER data. Why should CC have access to this and not the Admins? And that's what I meant about a circular discussion.

It is just not logical.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 7:13 PM - Response #8

Brad explained why CC locked down the addresses & phone numbers in another thread..we were all notified about what CC avoids lawsuits and depositions from stops stalkers..etc etc. I think Brad said they consulted an attorney about all the deps they were getting from police.It was costly and time consuming for them...and not worth the hassle. They are a small family owned company..with limited resources.
I didn't have anyone but a few reunion members crab about it. You can thank the privacy act for that...Not one alumni complained. I sent a mass email.
Since I no longer chair the reunion committee....they don't have access to any thing from the website....we service them...the reason..they became a corp...and I own the website, domain name..along with the site admins and alumni who donated to the maintenance and cost of the website. Long story..hostile take over. One of these days..I will start a thread about hostile reunion committees. All is well now..
Happy New Year..sorry I got off topicRazzRolling EyesWinkLaughingLaughing

Edited 01/06/15 8:32 PM
Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 7:44 PM - Response #9

How is that related to what I said?

WE, the admins can see the address/phone. IOW, the address/phone change had to do with -Classmates- not admins.

Similarly this is for Admins only not Classmates. I don't see a problem.

As far as legal stuff, does it say anywhere that admins have access to whatever we have access to (meaning stuff nobody else sees)? Does a classmate have to acknowledge that they have read this 'disclosure' document? I'm not aware of one.

There are practical legal reasons and then ones that would be extremely rare.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 8:34 PM - Response #10 did semi sort of...I get the want and some others want access to everyone's notify preferences...I personally don't care. But willing to help them get what they want by accessing their profiles under their id log in and password..No biggie. ShockedCool

Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 8:41 PM - Response #11

Right, I don't care either. It's more getting to the bottom of reasoning here.

You can't login using their id and password since you don't know the password Question

Jack Vermeulen wrote:

I personally don't care to know.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 9:39 PM - Response #12

Jack Vermeulen wrote:

You can't login using their id and password since you don't know the password Question

Jack Vermeulen wrote:

I personally don't care to know.

Yes, you can in an around the bout way. You log in with their email addy and ask them for their password or change it to your school mascot's name...when done editing their notify preferences. ...change their password back to what it. Idea

Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 10:32 PM - Response #13

IF they give you their PW sure. Without that, not possible without them getting a message that you changed it Exclamation Set up a test account and you'll see.

Plus you do not know the PW to set it back to if they didn't give it to you Question (otherwise you wouldn't have to ask right?)

For all practical reasons, an Admin can not login to a classmate's account. (And there's a good reason for that.)

Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 11:01 PM - Response #14

True..Jack!! You can...but like I said before...they would have to give you permission. We have a few classmates that are not puter savy...they are lucky they can email...some have their grandkids do the puter work for them.
I look at it his way..if they don't know how to access their email or the wouldn't matter.

I repeat..I don't care about knowing what notify me stuff they are getting....I feel it's a privacy issue and non of my biz!!Surprised
Enough said, already!!Razz

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