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Yearbook photo size

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 07/13/23 08:15 AM Views: 380 Replies: 5
Thursday, July 13, 2023 at 8:15 AM

In a discussion with other administrators, how large the photos appear on a page when you add them was brought up. The discussion was specifically about yearbook photos. Has anyone had that issue and do you resize the photos prior to uploading? If so, what dimensions do you recommend?

I did run a search on the topic, year did not get a result. Appreciate your help!

Thursday, July 13, 2023 at 5:38 PM - Response #1

I like a 129 width by a 175 height in pixels. You can see what this looks like by going to Classmate Profiles on my site and selecting Show Yearbook Photos.

Thursday, July 13, 2023 at 11:15 PM - Response #2

The image size displayed is set by html overrides. So the main criteria is to keep the proportions 129x175 (or close), however the image can be much larger.

The main advantage of a larger image is that if one clicks on the image, it expands if one uploaded a much larger size. BUT if it's 129x175 that's all you get.

I suggest 3X that size if you want the larger image.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 7:34 PM - Response #3

They look great, F C. Thanks for sharing!

I paused when I saw your site as I had not given a thought to NOT having a left menu. Interesting!

Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 7:49 PM - Response #4

Thanks for the info, Jack.

Your "3x" reminded me of another photo question:

I was not concerned about photo sizes years ago, yet as I look at some profile pages I want to resize photos ASAP. When a classmate adds a photo to their profile, it appears on the page. I believe some photos are small, yet when they appear the system enlarges them. They are not only too big, but it takes several scrolls to get past one photo. Any thoughts on this, Jack?

Edited 07/23/23 2:42 PM
Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 9:54 PM - Response #5

Need to see actual photo to really determine. However, there is a bug in CC that if the photo is taller vs width it does not figure out the adjustment needed.

By photo to their profile I assume you mean images that are added, not their top profile images.

Images are forced to 626 wide (if wider) but the length is ignored. So you can get a photo that exceeds the page height. There's also the same bug in a gallery Cool

It's relatively easy to get giant images today from a phone. So if they held the phone vertical that would give the tall image that exceeds screen height.

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