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Double Entries and Unsecure website

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 06/09/20 10:01 PM Views: 394 Replies: 4
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 10:01 PM

As of five minutes ago, anything posted on our class website (usually on "What's New") still gets posted twice. I keep deleting one of the double posts but would like this fixed.

Also, MS Edge, MS Explorer, and Chrome also say the website is not secure. Google doesn't say anything. Is it secure or not? If not, will it be?

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 11:22 PM - Response #1


Class Creator addressed the security issue in an email to administrators on May 20, 2020. Bottom line --- the secure certificates will be the next thing worked on after the system migration is finished. Right now, all contact info, including street address, emails, and passwords which classmates entered when they registered is secure. Here's the email you should have received:

We're making improvements! There's several important things you must know.

Class Creator is becoming faster, more user friendly, and more secure!

In order to facilitate our upcoming improvements, Class Creator is moving to a brand new, super fast, highly secure cloud-based network. Here's some of the things we're improving:

Secure Certificates: Most Class Creator admins own a domain name. Shortly you will be able to purchase a secure certificate for your domain name. This will eliminate the "not secure" tags that most browsers are now displaying on pages that historically did not require a secure certificate. Sounds a bit complex but no worries...if you own a domain name you will receive a seprate email about secure certificates.

Register and renew domain names directly from within your class web site: You will shortly be able to register or renew domain names from within your site as opposed to doing it externally like you're used to. This will also give us a way to keep all admins and co-admins better informed on their domain renewal dates.

Buh Bye Flash! We are working on replacing older Flash components with newer HTML 5 components. If you're not clear on what this means, then simply know things will work better and be more compatible for all users.

We will email additional details and dates for the above items shortly. We look forward to a faster, better, more compatible, more secure future!

Creatively Yours,

Brad G Switzer
Class Creator

Edited 06/09/20 11:26 PM
Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 12:20 AM - Response #2

We are actively working on the duplicate issue on what's new item this evening. Check back tomorrow and we hope to have that fully resolved.

Class Creator Support

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 10:09 AM - Response #3

Where are we on the secure website issue?

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 11:39 AM - Response #4

Click on the link below, which takes you to the topic SSL Certificate in the General Discussion forum. Jessica of Class Creator answers your question there.

Your text to link here...

Edited 06/10/20 11:40 AM
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