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New "Notify Me" Option

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 07/13/12 05:17 PM Views: 1156 Replies: 2
Friday, July 13, 2012 at 5:17 PM

Bravo Class Creator on your newest "Notify Me" feature!!! Absolute genius!! Thank you!!!!

I have just two questions. I'm wondering when (if ever) admins should discontinue "All Class" mailings. Will there be a way we can opt that "all class" mailings will only go to those who have not registered their preferences?

...and, would it be possible to get a breakdown of the percentage of classmates who have registered preferences and what our most popular features are, or even better, the percentage of people that subscribe to each?

Thanks again!! I'm looking forward to hearing from very happy Classmates as they all find out what a great feature this is. I think it has potential to greatly increase visits to our page!!

Edited 07/13/12 5:18 PM
Friday, July 13, 2012 at 5:47 PM - Response #1

Ultimately, we want to implement a system which allows admins to send a one-time email to the class inviting them to join the site, and thereafter messages will only be sent to users who indicate that they wish to receive them.

We don't have a statistical breakdown available, but i think it is a good idea. I'll put it on the wishlist.

Friday, July 13, 2012 at 10:05 PM - Response #2

Eric - Anyone who has not joined the site wouldn't have entered their email address and therefore wouldn't receive the group email message anyway.

Ruth - Why would you want a "group email" to go only to those who have not registered their preferences?

Maybe I'm just not understanding the question or answer ????

I'd prefer to leave as is and think the classmate should continue getting all group emails until they actually change their preference to not receive emails.

I have two CC web sites, and just finished sending out an email on the Notify Me update on one site. It's great! Thanks CC. I love working with the web sites! You guys (and gals) do an amazing job!

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