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Join Here link broken

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 06/15/22 02:19 PM Views: 3443 Replies: 1
Wednesday, June 15, 2022 at 2:19 PM

Hello Class Creator Admin friends,
I am on the committee planning Walt Whitman '72 (Bethesda, MD) 50th reunion. The way our website was set up was that we told people to go to and click on the "JOIN HERE" in the grey box. It then took them to a page for entering in a personal pin if you were already a member or if you scroll further down that page it said "New Classmates and Guests" and enter a 'System Password' which the committee provided to our classmates for initial sign in.

What is happening now... when you sign in to - it takes you directly to Missing Classmates page. Only if you click on "Classmates Profiles" do you get to a page where it now says "Log In" and the sentence "If you have not yet joined as a member, find your profile on the list of classmates." or scrolling down you can enter the system password under "Guests".

We would like the site to go from "JOIN HERE" directly to the page where the system password is entered and then you choose your name from the Classmates Profile to continue the process of creating your new password and profile.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022 at 3:19 PM - Response #1

Check this out as a possibility. I think this has to do with the link setting on your Classmate Profiles page. Under Admin Functions > Edit Site Pages, click on the Classmate Profiles page, then click on Edit Link. Uncheck "Restrict to Classmates Only" and see if that fixes the problem.

I think because you have "Restrict to Classmates Only" checked, a classmate who has not joined is diverted to the Missing Classmates page, their only choice to see their name. By unchecking the "Restrict to Classmates Only" link on the Classmate Profiles page, a prospective member will be sent directly to the Classmate Profiles page and find their name.

Or, there may be another reason I can't remember for those who haven't joined being sent to the Missing Classmates page. This has come up awhile back in another forum post.

Edited 06/15/22 9:08 PM
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