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Using the counts info on profiles page elsehwere?

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 01/09/10 08:12 PM Views: 1402 Replies: 1
Saturday, January 9, 2010 at 8:12 PM

Is it possible to make use of selected counts from the box on the top of the Classmate Profiles Page to appear elsewhere?

For example, could I create an announcement that shows the current number of registered users and the number who plan to attend the reunion?

"Class of 1961 Registered Users" = XX
"Class members planning to attend the 50th reunion" = YY

Saturday, January 9, 2010 at 9:07 PM - Response #1

You might want to consider going into your home page edit area and enabling your Active Classmates module. That way you'll have that information displaying on your home page at all times.

The answer to your question is no and yes. Technically there is a variable for everything in the system. If you knew what the variable names were and you also knew how to insert the code to call the variables, then yes you could insert any variable anywhere you wanted on your site. Of course for most people this would be far harder than would be feasible. It's possible we could create a more user-friendly way of inserting variables like this. This is something that would probably fall under the "Advanced Options" page I've suggested several times in these forums lately. I'll mark it down on the list of possibilities for that. There's quite a few things on the list before we'll be discussing that section, but I do have your suggestion logged for future possibilities.

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