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Linking to a larger class photo.

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 01/11/12 05:38 PM Views: 1317 Replies: 9
Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 5:38 PM

I have followed the instructions found on other topics but I can't seem to make it work. I have placed a small class photo on my homepage. I'm trying to make it "clickable" and link it to a larger photo that I have successfully uploaded to the CC file vault. My problem lies with finding the correct CC URL to link to the larger picture.

What am I missing?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 7:56 PM - Response #1


It looks like you figured it out. I clicked on your "High School class of 1962" and it took me to a larger photo.

If you still need help, reply back here.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 8:53 PM - Response #2

Thanks Eric. Yes....after a lot of trial and error after I posted this "request for help", after a dozen more tries I found the right formula. I still don't know what I did that made it work because I tried so many times. I decided to quit while I was ahead. I really wanted to open the picture in a new window....but I was under time restraints.

Now I have all this "white space" below the picture. In the old days I never had this problem, but with the "new editor" it seems to be a recurring problem. I know it's a source code issue but I do not know how to edit my code to fix it. I quit using Internet Explorer about a month ago and went with Google Chrome. The white space problem seemed to be more frequent and it has become more difficult to edit my homepage. I switched back to IE to edit my pages....but that didn't help. As a last resort....I turned "off" my "This Day in History" option and that seemed to decrease the white space issue but did not eliminate it entirely.

Any ideas? If you tell me exactly what code it is that creates "white space" I will try and clean-up my home page myself. I know you have better things to do. Thanks, Larry

Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 9:57 PM - Response #3

Here is the source code between my 1962 class photo and my "January Updates" box. Is any of this code causing the white space I see on my homepage? Thanks.

Edited 01/11/12 10:16 PM
Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 10:15 PM - Response #4

CODE is allowed in the forums, but you should put it in the CODE tags (3rd icon from right, looks like LESS THAN and GREATER THAN symbols)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 10:18 PM - Response #5

I am not seeing the problem of large white space. It might be a browser issue. I am using Firefox.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 10:38 PM - Response #6

Your right. It looks OK with Internet Explorer but not in "Google chrome". Is that something I have to live with? Seems more and more people are switching to Google Chrome these days and I want my webpage to look as good as possible with my very limited expertise.

On some days when there is a very long "This Day in History" active in the right hand column, my white space can be very a 7 or 8 inch gap between items on the homepage. When I di-activate the history column...the white space shrinks to an acceptable level but it doesn't cure the problem.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 10:59 PM - Response #7

It is now fixed. Your URL in your January calendar didn't wrap, so I added a space (only in the displayable text, not the URL)

Thursday, January 12, 2012 at 11:41 AM - Response #8

Larry * Noller wrote:

I have followed the instructions found on other topics but I can't seem to make it work. I have placed a small class photo on my homepage. I'm trying to make it "clickable" and link it to a larger photo that I have successfully uploaded to the CC file vault. My problem lies with finding the correct CC URL to link to the larger picture.
What am I missing?


I go thru this each time I try do the same thing so I decided to write down a step-by-step, as much for me as anyone else who has trouble remembering how to do this.

Here's the procedure for creating a link to a file or image that is stored in the file vault (not the image vault) and opening the link in a new window.

Select the image or text that you want to use to link to the larger image and click on the Link icon (third from the right in the second row of icons). In the Link window, click on the File Vault button. Click on the image file name that you want the link to open, and then right click on the image itself (not the file name) and select "Copy image location". This puts the image URL in the paste buffer. Close the file vault window and in the Link window, paste the image location URL into the URL field. Then click on the "Target" tab at the top of the Link window. Open the drop-down list for the Target field and select "New Window (_blank)". Click on OK to save and close the Link window.

Hope this is helpful.

Thursday, January 12, 2012 at 1:40 PM - Response #9

Thanks Eric and Dick. I have added your directions to my 3 ring binder for future use. I really appreciate the guidance and quick responses.

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