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Deceased (or not)

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 03/17/09 10:46 AM Views: 1524 Replies: 3
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at 10:46 AM

I accidentally posted a classmate as deceased and I don't think she'd appreciate that description and now I can't figure out how to changed it.



Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at 4:34 PM - Response #1

Welcome Robert.

1) Click Edit Site Pages
2) Click the Edit button next to your In Memory page
3) Click the Edit link next to the Classmate's name
4) Uncheck the little checkbox to the right of the "Deceased" field.
5) Save

Thursday, March 19, 2009 at 9:36 PM - Response #2

We have a little problem with this too. It has nothing to do with CC though. Our records were update by Harris Publishing (they are a company that researches and updates class lists) and now that we have 25,000+ names online people are getting back to us saying they are alive or that person is alive. It is a little embarrassing. Since I mentioned it I will say that if anyone wants to do a whole school Harris is a pretty good way to go. Oh we did have an issue when we made them shut down our site. -I guess Brad is aware of them- They asked me what was my "Business Model" for CC. I was like "Free!". -we will be sending a check at our next meeting. They made a site for us -sort of without our our knowing and then charged Alumni $10 to sign on. They got 900 people to sign up! I asked for a piece of the pie or even to add on the top becuase we are a non-profit and give our earnings to scholarships, they said no. Anyway, they predicted failure for this site. I am so happy with the site and it is improving by leaps and bounds. For anyone who does not know the reason for this improvement is because CC listens to what people want!
Sorry for being a little long winded it was a long day.

Thursday, March 19, 2009 at 10:23 PM - Response #3

Heh heh, ok I have to laugh! But, it's certainly nice to know we've got people out there predicting failure for your site/Class Creator. Oh what they don't know! To those who said that, should I be lucky enough to have them reading this, if sites here are failing, then I sure don't want to see what successful sites are all about, because we can't keep up with this stuff over here as it is. And I mean literally. What anyone should know is that no one solution is right for everyone, and that includes Class Creator. I can tell you that this whole concept is about far more than just creating a web site for your high school class... It's about that first and foremost, but it's also about community, it's about learning, it's about acquiring computer skills, it's about having a hobby, it's about pride of ownership, and it's about a variety of other things. I was told early on by many that we'd never make headway into the decade old Classmate market. What they didn't know is we weren't ever trying to do that in the first place. We set up something absolutely unique in the marketplace, and the chips fell where they fell. There's some out there who would never fathom running very advanced sites like Class Creator sites -- heck it's a lot of work. And there's also others who absolutely just love this. We'll take on those who love it, and the rest can fall where they may. Smile

Edited 03/20/09 1:54 AM
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