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Monday, July 14, 2014 at 10:19 AM
Hello, I would like to see a "File Share" created where Administrators and other select individuals could share and maintain key documents concerning the overall management of their class. I am thinking of something like Microsoft OneDrive for easy file sharing and collaboration. Items may include and are not limited to scanned rental agreements, spreadsheets for financials etc. Thanks, Chuck
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Monday, July 14, 2014 at 8:08 PM - Response #1
Hi Chuck, We started something like this on TAP last year regarding reunion planning. It is not easy to do on our sites. Sharing how we plan, our spreadsheets for financials and more is good. I am interested in hearing what other admins think of using a cloud for this purpose as we discussed it previously on TAP. Thanks for the post.
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014 at 6:45 PM - Response #2
I know you're talking about something more elaborate, like a shared One Drive, but I wanted to point out for anyone who many not know that we do have a "Building Blocks" forum where admins are able to share anything with other admins here:
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014 at 8:30 PM - Response #3
That's not what OP was about. His idea is much more focused - to/for a specific class.
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014 at 9:39 PM - Response #4
Jack is correct. Chuck is talking about his class. My error in thinking all admins. It is an idea but there are so many options out there, I wonder if we need another. If it were about us sharing, Brad has a point about Building Blocks. Many times a post that should be in Building Blocks appears in another list. I'll try to do better, Brad.
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014 at 9:50 PM - Response #5
I'm not sure what is being asked since OneDrive and Dropbox do exactly that without taking up any of the limited CC file space.
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 at 1:28 AM - Response #6
Integrate with another service for the capability if unwilling to add functionality directly into CC. I am not talking a great deal of space. I would rather give up some picture, audio et. Space to have this functionality. Chuck
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 at 3:44 AM - Response #7
Just making sure you're aware that when in the editor and you click the chain link icon, then File Vault button, you can upload any type of document there. Co-admins could of course go in and get those same documents, or add documents of their own there. Again I realize you're suggesting a more sophisticated type of file sharing system, but I wanted to ensure everyone is aware of the File Vault as it at does meet some minimum file sharing needs, such as simply allowing one person to upload a doc and another to download it form the Vault.
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Saturday, July 26, 2014 at 6:03 PM - Response #8
Chuck Heiden wrote: Integrate with another service for the capability if unwilling to add functionality directly into CC. I am not talking a great deal of space. I would rather give up some picture, audio et. Space to have this functionality. Chuck I set up a free Google Apps account on our class domain a few years ago in order to get this functionality, and it is working splendidly. Alas, Google no longer offers free Apps accounts except to schools and 501(c)(3) nonprofits. If you are looking for something other than a paid solution for hosting email and files for your domain, you might want to check out Zoho Mail and Zoho Docs. Chuck, I think it would be pretty cool if CC and Zoho could collaborate on a one-click solution that would simplify things for us admins.