Friday, July 11, 2008 at 6:14 PM - Response #1
You don't need to complete their Profile. In fact you shouldn't, because if you do that, you'll stop the Classmate from getting to his or her own Profile should they find your site in the future. What you need to do is click on Manage Classmates, and then click on the Enter/Edit Classmates manually button. Then you can click both the Details Link and the Profile link next to the Classmate's name and fill in all the information you want. You can also click the Photos link if you wish, and upload photos on behalf of your Classmate. Finally, if you want to show the details you are entering on behalf of the Classmate, just click on Manage Classmates, and then select the second radio button at the top of the page, which tells the Class Creator system to show all Classmates' Profiles details even if Classmates have not actually joined your web site. Note: Once you have done this, you can also tell Class Creator to use different criteria for what constitutes a Missing Classmate. To do this click on Edit Site Pages, and then click the Edit button next to your Missing Classmate's page. You have 4 different options there to tell Class Creator what you consider a Missing Classmate to be.