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e-mail change

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 11/20/09 03:21 PM Views: 1325 Replies: 1
Friday, November 20, 2009 at 3:21 PM

I would like to change the e-mail to my site. I have been using my personal e-mail, and when alumni receive e-mails it has my name and many do not know who I am. How do I go about changing the e-mail?

Friday, November 20, 2009 at 5:06 PM - Response #1

Hi Linda,

Look on your Preferences page for:

By default these emails will come from the email address shown below. You can change this email address if you wish, thereby separating your "Site Email Address" from your personal email address.

Site Email Address:

Check this box if you would like emails sent using the "Email The Class" feature to come from the Site Email Address above instead of the Sending Administrator's email address (class wide emails sent using the "Email The Class" feature automatically come from the sending Administrator's email address unless you check this box).

If you change the Site Email Address above, please enter a real email address that you have access to (i.e. only enter an email address from which you can currently send and receive email). If you have a domain name you can also use an email address by setting up email forwarding (your domain name account at includes 100 personalized email address forwards free).


Auto generated emails from your web site will come from this name. Recommendation: Use your own name, the name of another Site Administrator, or the name of your School and Class.

Change the email address and From name to whatever you want the emails to show.

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