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Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 06/23/12 04:22 PM Views: 2321 Replies: 7
Saturday, June 23, 2012 at 4:22 PM

This is a serious suggestion for a free Class Creator(CC) "App" to be much more than what would amount to being a do it yourself "computer book mark" we could place on our system's "desk top" ourselves. It would be an app as we truely know them and be intended to benefit those among us who use mobile devices, such as cell phones, blackberries, iPads, androids, ereaders, etc... There might even be someone among us who could work with Class Creator's staff to develop and create it. For various reasons, includng security, availability of the app would or could be stricty limited to only CC Admins and classmates who have actually joined their class website on CC.

Edited 06/25/12 4:01 AM
Saturday, June 23, 2012 at 6:02 PM - Response #1

I agree - I really would like to see an app

Monday, June 25, 2012 at 10:43 AM - Response #2

I'm sorry but it is entirely unclear to me what function you want this app to perform. As for your suggested distribution limitations, any seasoned internet user knows that there is no way to effectively limit who can have a copy of a piece of software, no matter what Hollywood would like you to believe. Therefore, any "app" that would possibly be circulated would have it's own authentication process to make sure that whomever is using it has the proper access authority.

Monday, June 25, 2012 at 5:42 PM - Response #3

Eric B Bassey wrote:

I'm sorry but it is entirely unclear to me what function you want this app to perform. As for your suggested distribution limitations, any seasoned internet user knows that there is no way to effectively limit who can have a copy of a piece of software, no matter what Hollywood would like you to believe. Therefore, any "app" that would possibly be circulated would have it's own authentication process to make sure that whomever is using it has the proper access authority.

I am sorry as well, that you are unclear. Would be happy to privately discuss it more with you and provide educational material to bring you up to speed on the subject. As for the hollywood reference, being a "seasoned Internet user", myself, who is quite highly educated and knowledgable about computers,the internet, websites and various related devices, I'm fully aware of everything you state in your reply, perhaps more than that for which you give me and others credit. Perhaps this would be a wonderful opportunity to do "product development research ". At least it would provide more information for you and your staff.
(At least I tried, folks! Lol!)

Monday, June 25, 2012 at 6:19 PM - Response #4

I am a 'novice' computer user, and I figured out what Eric is talking about.
I think your response is totally uncalled for, and unprofessional, especially for someone who is "highly educated and knowledgable* about computers."
Park your ego, sir.
It appears to me you feel you know more than Eric does.
If so, create your own app!
I visited with Eric a few weeks ago, and found him to be very intelligent, courteous, and professional.
Only myself and a few other admin's have visited the CC office.
You don't have a glimmer of a clue what all they have going on there!
If you are so darn smart, why didn't you simply pick up the phone and call CC? They do have a telephone, and the number IS listed on their web site. It appears to me that you want to put-down Eric, judging by your response.
Personally, I think you owe Eric an apology! A BIG one at that!
But that is just MY opinion - and perhaps I am in the minority, but I doubt it!

* - my education tells me it spelled knowledgeable

Monday, June 25, 2012 at 7:04 PM - Response #5


I am a 'novice' computer user, and I figured out what Eric is talking about.
I think your response is totally uncalled for, and unprofessional, especially for someone who is "highly educated and knowledgable* about computers."
Park your ego, sir.
It appears to me you feel you know more than Eric does.
If so, create your own app!
I visited with Eric a few weeks ago, and found him to be very intelligent, courteous, and professional.
Only myself and a few other admin's have visited the CC office.
You don't have a glimmer of a clue what all they have going on there!
If you are so darn smart, why didn't you simply pick up the phone and call CC? They do have a telephone, and the number IS listed on their web site. It appears to me that you want to put-down Eric, judging by your response.
Personally, I think you owe Eric an apology! A BIG one at that!
But that is just MY opinion - and perhaps I am in the minority, but I doubt it!

* - my education tells me it spelled knowledgeable

Steve. Nice try! Not going to engage you!

Edited 06/25/12 7:10 PM
Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 10:47 AM - Response #6

Gosh, you'd think we had hired Steve as a bulldog! Thanks for the support, Steve, but no need to go all feral! Wink

Gary, I apologize if I came across as didactic or condescending, it certainly was not my intent. I just meant to address the specific points from your comment that I was able to address.

I do not own or use a smartphone, because I have a computer to do my computing with and I find the constrained environment of the smartphone and tablet world to be far too limiting both in terms of flexibility and control. So please pardon me if I don't have a full understanding of your use of the word "App" which I am interpreting as a small program designed to do a specific thing. If there is some further connotation regarding exactly what that thing is, then I am not familiar with it. I assume from the context that you were asking about a program designed to allow users some specific kind of access to the ClassCreator website that would somehow differ from the usual web browser-based experience, and my response was based on the fact that I could not tell from your query what that difference would be.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 11:31 AM - Response #7

Eric B Bassey wrote:

Gosh, you'd think we had hired Steve as a bulldog! Thanks for the support, Steve, but no need to go all feral! Wink

Gary, I apologize if I came across as didactic or condescending, it certainly was not my intent. I just meant to address the specific points from your comment that I was able to address.

I do not own or use a smartphone, because I have a computer to do my computing with and I find the constrained environment of the smartphone and tablet world to be far too limiting both in terms of flexibility and control. So please pardon me if I don't have a full understanding of your use of the word "App" which I am interpreting as a small program designed to do a specific thing. If there is some further connotation regarding exactly what that thing is, then I am not familiar with it. I assume from the context that you were asking about a program designed to allow users some specific kind of access to the ClassCreator website that would somehow differ from the usual web browser-based experience, and my response was based on the fact that I could not tell from your query what that difference would be.

Hi Eric. Thanks. No problem. As they say "we are cool". I understand. (Maybe next time I post on the forums, I will need to pass out some treats or buisuits to feed the virtual bull dogs out there first. Kidding. He. He.)
Moving on...

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