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downloading video from you tube

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/13/10 10:03 PM Views: 1391 Replies: 1
Monday, September 13, 2010 at 10:03 PM

I created a slideshow on YouTube and bought two songs through I Tunes. It was 7 minutes long, downloaded perfectly, embedded perfectly and looked great on my Reunion Registration page.
Came back 5 hours later and it is gone. Saw where I received an email from YouTube saying the songs were owned by Sony.
Now what do I do. I have it in my ITunes playlist and created it on IMovie on my Mac. It is an M4v format.
Thanks for your help. Frances

Monday, September 13, 2010 at 10:38 PM - Response #1

You need to republish the slideshow without those copyrighted songs. Unfortunately you buying those songs on iTunes does not give you the right to republish them on a web site. If you want the presentation to have music you need to use music you have the right to redistribute. Or you can add a player to the page to give it music, although the slideshow and the music would be separate. You can also use Gallery Creator to create a slideshow with music and embed it on your Reunion Registration page, but again you should use music you have the right to rebroadcast or you can get yourself in trouble.

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