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Pinning a comment to the top of What's New

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 02/15/18 02:02 PM Views: 5157 Replies: 13
Thursday, February 15, 2018 at 2:02 PM

I've just pinned a topic to the top of my Notice Board (What's New) page and I know it will only stay there for 30 days. As it's actually a few reminders about the features on that page and what to do with them, is there any way I can make that stay there permanently?

If not, is there any way of getting a reminder when the 30 days is about to expire so I can re-pin it?


Saturday, February 17, 2018 at 12:32 AM - Response #2


In your quote below, the key questions are:

1. is there any way I can make that stay there permanently?

2. If not, is there any way of getting a reminder...

While I cannot give you an answer, I will say that Class Creator staff will need to answer you. Hang in there.

Mark Foulsham wrote:

I've just pinned a topic to the top of my Notice Board (What's New) page and I know it will only stay there for 30 days. As it's actually a few reminders about the features on that page and what to do with them, is there any way I can make that stay there permanently?

If not, is there any way of getting a reminder when the 30 days is about to expire so I can re-pin it?


Saturday, February 17, 2018 at 11:43 AM - Response #3

I will do, Gwen.

It's always awkward when we have a page like the What's New page where we have little control over what can be entered but where there is a lot for members to remember. I saw this as a way of getting a message across for that particular page but unless my 'instructions' stay at the top of the page they're not going to be a lot of use.

Naturally, I've included what I've written on my Using This Site page but getting anyone to check that page instead of emailing me for answers when they're unsure about anything is difficult. It's probably an age thing with most of my members as the age range goes from about 60 to 95 so it means having to spell things out for them occasionally.

Saturday, February 17, 2018 at 6:50 PM - Response #4

Not quite, Debbie.

If you, as Administrator, post something on your Recent Activity page you can then hover your mouse over the downward pointing arrow under the date to the right hand side of the post you'll get the options to Edit, Delete or Pin to top. If you choose 'Pin to top' you'll get an onscreen message warning you it will only be there for 30 days.

Once you've decided to 'Pin to top' that option changes to 'Unpin'.

Hope that helps.

Sunday, February 18, 2018 at 12:40 AM - Response #5

That got me curious, so I just made a little test script that permanently puts a message at the TOP of What's New - before any comments.

Probably has to be put in preferences for long term. For testing you can just post it as a message so you can see how it works. (You can post scripts in What's New.) Eventually it will scroll off the first page, so that's why it needs to be in preferences.

If you are interested I can post the little demo here. Be interested in what it does with a What's New that does not load all at once. I don't have one that long.

Sunday, February 18, 2018 at 6:29 AM - Response #6

Thanks, Jack. I'd be interested to see what you did.

Sunday, February 18, 2018 at 8:58 PM - Response #7

Here are the steps and a little test script for keeping a Message on the very top of What's New. In the end you would need to put this in Preferences since the message will scroll of the page and never be executed. It will work initially so you can see the result.

1. First you save the script (called whatsnew-forever.js) in YOUR file vault so you don't pick up mine. But to see how it works, you can use as shown. If you do save it to your file vault, be sure to change the src= link.

This is the script to save (if you want to make it your very own message text.) I split the message into sections to make it easier to modify (that's the + stuff). Otherwise you get one long line that is hard to read. Each line is isolated this way.

2. Now go to What's New and post everything including the script as shown. Do not add anything since carriage returns, line feeds will make it not work. The reason for the *** comment *** line is so you can find the message later if you want to remove it Smile

There's another step that makes changing the message content a bit easier, but let's see first if this makes sense.

As you can see by looking at the code, you can post most html codes. But there are a few rules to follow when used in a script.

The next step to make it easier+more flexible is to let the code generate "iframe". Then you update the "iframe" source and store in the file vault. That makes it easy to customize the message with html formatting using the CC editor. You then switch to "source" mode, copy what's there and then save the code. You only update the iframe code, not the script after that.

All depends on how much flexibility you want in the message. It can be done with just the script too, but you have to be careful with single and double quotes ( " and ' ) See script for how I swapped back and forth.

Edited 02/18/18 10:32 PM
Monday, February 19, 2018 at 3:16 AM - Response #8

Debbie Schroeder wrote:

Well, how about that?

Love that opening, Debbie!

Monday, February 19, 2018 at 6:03 AM - Response #9

Thanks, Jack.

Monday, February 19, 2018 at 4:28 PM - Response #10

Modify the references to point to Your File vault.

Here's the version that uses an iframe. It makes the message easier to manage and prettier. This is my version so store and edit for your site as desired.
Remove the earlier script version first though.

This is the script to save whatsnew-iframe.js - you never have to change this code. (Make a file using Notepad containing this - did not make that clear before.)

This is the section you post as a comment. It is also never changed unless you want to remove it.

This is the section that contains your message - called whatsnew-iframe.html Modify it as desired. Just change the text area between < body > and < /body > Use the CC editor to generate whatever you want to replace my test text formatting.

Edited 02/20/18 3:47 PM
Monday, February 19, 2018 at 5:20 PM - Response #11

LOL - I just discovered that this will also appear on YOUR profile comments. Guess I need to check for that since when put in preferences it will appear on everyone's profile comments.

Will check on that later. Probably will check to see if a profile element is present that is not on What's New.

Edited 02/19/18 5:20 PM
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 12:09 AM - Response #12

OK fixed in above post so it only shows on What's New. Put in Preferences to have it work for anyone. Your profile is just for testing.

P.S. fixed reference to background image in iframe. Just remove url is you just want a color or modify to your image.

Edited 02/20/18 3:49 PM
Sunday, February 25, 2018 at 6:05 AM - Response #13

Thanks, again, Jack. Only just seen this post as I wasn't notified about it or your last one.

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