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Pay pal payment for site

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 03/15/09 04:41 PM Views: 1437 Replies: 1
Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 4:41 PM

Hello I am wanting to know how to set it up for my alumni for my class to help pay for the site. I recall seeing it when I set up the account but cannot find it now. Please advise.
Thank you,

Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 5:47 PM - Response #1

1) Click Edit Site Pages
2) Click the Edit button next to Home Page
3) Place a checkmark next to your Donate module to activate it
4) Under the options column at the right edit your Donate box to include your PayPal email address and the verbiage of your choice.

Note, the Donate module automatically configures itself to tie into your PayPal account. All you need to do to set up the link is enter your PayPal email address -- our system automatically configures the rest for you.

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