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Font for Site Title

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 11/19/12 05:16 PM Views: 1371 Replies: 1
Monday, November 19, 2012 at 5:16 PM

Is it possible to change the font for the site title? The last reference to this that I could find in the forums is below.

RE: Font Selection for the Site Title
Posted Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 7:50 PM

Click your Edit School/Logos link and you'll see how I put italics tags around your school name to make it appear italic.

What you can on these designs is fairly limited. Some cool new designs are coming with neat new options for customizability. We're in the middle of a huge system overhaul so we won't be starting them for several weeks. Should be available sometime in early winter approximately. Which is closer

Monday, November 19, 2012 at 5:38 PM - Response #1

If you want to use a stylized font on a webpage, it is generally considered best practice to use an image of the styled text rather than specifying a font because web browsers depend on whatever fonts are installed on the computer of EACH USER to render page text. That is why the options in the editor are so few. The listed fonts are just ones that are very likely to be installed on just about any computer being used to view the website. If you style text specifying a particular font, you can get radically different results from computer to computer.

To use an image for the school name text (such as in the case of the method requires the upload of the image to a webserver (you can put it into your file vault if you want) and then the code to display it must be manually added to the Google Analytics Code box on the Preferences page of your site. The content of that box is rendered on every page of the site, and it is the only user-editable content that is. The code will have to include a CSS declaration (CSS reference) in order to place the image over (in front of) the header of the design template you have selected for your site.

Edited 11/19/12 5:41 PM
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