Monday, February 10, 2014 at 12:50 AM

This pre-registration letter/invitation worked till recently...Now there's about 8-10 who want to attend reunion but cannot access the website with these instructions. Has something changed this year, that's causing this? They're suggesting why not accept email applications with the 3 coordinates (name, class year, email address)to start/complete registration process, and wait for verification. Any suggestions/ help ? Thanks.

Welcome to the SCS website! A space has been reserved for you. To complete your registration please follow instructions below.

Go to

Click on Catherinian Profiles (top bar) and find your name. Click your name and it will take you to a page that says JOIN HERE. Then CLICK HERE NOW and follow the prompts. Log in your email and password and start your profile page.
You don't need to finish all at once Come back whenever
you want to update your information and add some pictures.
We recommend that you check the PROFILE VISIBILITY BOX
located towards the bottom of your profile page. It will keep search engines from accessing your data and protect you from being goggled.
The WELCOME TO OUR SITE link is a good place to start.
It explains features of the website. We try to respond to emails within 24 to 48 hrs..
Thank you for your interest.

Root Administrator
