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School District Website

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/17/13 07:04 PM Views: 933 Replies: 3
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 7:04 PM

I'm wondering if anyone has used CC as a district-wide website for a public school? We have seven buildings in our school district (HS, JH, a 5th/6th building and four K-4 buildings). The main page would be dedicated to the district's homepage and then drop-down menus for each building to maintain their own school's site - their own staff pages, monthly activity calendar, etc., etc. I've tried to think this through, but just not sure it would be workable . . .

Considering the way Illinois has been funding (or should I say, NOT funding) their school districts, CC would be a very affordable option for our district.

Currently I use Microsoft Expressions to maintain my school building's website (used FrontPage before) and have decided it's too detailed for me to continue with the frustration! Using CC is a piece of cake! Smile

Any thoughts?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 7:53 PM - Response #1

I have seen club and condo sites using CC, so I don't see why a school district couldn't utilize them! Very Happy

Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 8:12 PM - Response #2

There was a discussion at one time of CC offering free sites to alumni associations that could serve as a hub for individual class sites. Don't know that what you're describing would qualify and don't know if it even went beyond the discussion stage for alumni sites. In any event the paid subscriptions to CC are hardly onerous and seems it would fulfill your needs nicely.

I've helped a little, actually very little, with the care and feeding of websites like Geocities (and I can't recall who they took over) and found them to be quite laborious. I've been trying to convince my high school alumni association to consider CC because its current site looks like it too is hard to maintain and as a result is frequently out of date. No success yet but hope springs eternal.

Rhonda, bottom line is I think you would be well served in making the switch.

Thursday, April 18, 2013 at 6:55 PM - Response #3

Thanks Steve and FC - I believe CC also offers a week or some short period of time to "try it out" so this may be a good place to start and see if it's doable! : )

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