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Event Planner

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 04/24/23 11:12 AM Views: 448 Replies: 13
Monday, April 24, 2023 at 11:12 AM

I consider several changes should be made to the Event Planner. After all these years it is still awkward in its presentation of information, difficult to navigate by classmates during the registration process and difficult to set up by administrators.

A prime example of awkward presentation is the Event Details coming after the Registration for same. The Details explain the Registration!

The Donations option appears at the end of the Event Details whereas it makes more sense to have it at the end of the Registration items. Additionally it is formatted such that it interferes with the location information for the various events in the right hand column.

Then to add to the confusion the questions requiring an answer during the registration process are listed at the very bottom. Knowing to which event they apply can be hard to discern and why they even appear here is a puzzle.

One may have to be logged onto the site but the link to the preview of the 65th reunion showing all of the above is here.

One of the main problems I have as an administrator is specifying the location for an event and wanting to include a map to it. We changed locations for both the Banquet and the Hosted Breakfast and even though I put in the new addresses no matter what I do the map to the original location is all that will appear. For the Parade no matter what I do I can't get either the address or map to appear in the published version. In this last instance the funky donation formatting may be affecting that.

I haven't even gotten to the point of starting the registration process so don't know what other problems I'll run into once it begins but in the past nametags have been a problem.

In summary, after all these years the Event Planner still seems like it has just been introduced and remains in Beta testing. It should be a polished product by now but is far from it.

Monday, April 24, 2023 at 7:06 PM - Response #1

Hi FC,

You are linking to the preview rather than the live event. In the live event the user selects what they are registering for on page 1, fills in the names of those attending and answers any questions, the next pages vary based on if the admin has donations and/or products turned on - each of those items has it's own page in the process and then the final check out page.

When you change the location please make sure you click save and continue for that activity as well as publishing the planner at the top of the page and then you would need to refresh the preview page as it does not update without loading again.

What is the correct address for the parade? I see an address but I can't tell if it is the one you are looking for.

Class Creator Support

Monday, April 24, 2023 at 9:39 PM - Response #2

I'll respond in more detail later but right now I have a bigger fish to fry. I made the planner active to look at it in that mode and now I'm unable to make it inactive. Even though there is no checkmark indicating it's active it is.

How do I make this inactive?

Update: In desperation I went to Edit Site Pages. The Event Planner for the 65th Reunion showed up as being inactive. I did nothing further and now I am able to toggle it active and inactive from the Event Planner page.

Edited 04/24/23 9:49 PM
Monday, April 24, 2023 at 11:23 PM - Response #3

Yes, I did link to the preview as opposed to the live event. For some reason I interpreted the link "Preview Live Page" on the Event Planner Dashboard to mean that I would be previewing the page as it would appear after it had gone live.

One thing that did not change between the preview and the live version is that Event Details still come after the Registration for same. That makes absolutely no sense to me. If there is any way that I can reverse that order please let me know.

Another problem I now see is that one will not even get an opportunity to make a donation unless one indicates attendance at one or more events. This prevents an individual who cannot attend from even making a donation. I guess I could get around this by making Donation an event but that is clunky at best.

When I changed the locations for the Banquet and Hosted Breakfast I always clicked save and continue for that activity and then publishing the planner at the top of the page. I have no idea what you mean by needing to refresh the preview page.

I have now re-entered the map information for all events and it shows up correctly in the live version. However for the Banquet and Hosted Breakfast it still shows the maps for the originally entered locations in the preview.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 3:50 PM - Response #4

There is no way to reverse the order - the events are listed at the top and the details are listed below them.

There is a separate donations page you can turn on for those who are not attending any events. The reason donations were added to the event planner is to allow the classmates to donate if they wish while they are already paying for another event.

Do you have the preview open in another window? If so you might need to close it down and launch it again - the page loads from the data each time you load the page so when I go to Preview I am seeing the same addresses that show in the most recent published activities. The only thing I can think of is that you somehow have it open from before or that your local system cached the results. Try closing it down and re opening it. The addresses look good on the previews I'm seeing.


Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 5:39 PM - Response #5

I presume you can see both the preview and the live versions. If you need my permission to do so it is hereby granted. In each version look at the maps for the Banquet and the Hosted Breakfast. The maps are correct in the live version. However, what I'm seeing in the preview version are maps to the Fullerton Inn, the initial venue for both events.

Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 11:29 PM - Response #6

I found another reason to not modify an event. When I initially started setting up the Event Planner the banquet was scheduled to take place at the Fullerton Inn and there were three menu choices. That arrangement fell thru and the venue was changed to the Sumner House with a buffet that did not offer menu choices. I made the appropriate change to the event but when I go to edit a transaction to enter payments received the originally entered 3 menu choices appear. What can be done to eliminate this?

Friday, April 28, 2023 at 12:09 AM - Response #7

I sorta recall this design problem. Not saying more, but it was never done correctly.

Friday, April 28, 2023 at 9:59 PM - Response #8

Lotta problems with the Event Planner. And after all the years it has been around the Reports and Nametags are still Beta versions. Should have least made it to Gamma by now.

Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 9:35 PM - Response #9

Jessica jessica wrote:

There is a separate donations page you can turn on for those who are not attending any events. The reason donations were added to the event planner is to allow the classmates to donate if they wish while they are already paying for another event. Jessica

I have set up a donations page for those not attending any events but it isn't working. An amount can't be entered. What do I have to do to make this functional?

Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 9:39 PM - Response #10

Hi FC,

Just needed to check the checkbox inside the donation that says to show donation on the donations page.

I checked it for you.


Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 9:41 PM - Response #11

Thank you.

Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 9:56 PM - Response #12

Natalie Kinsman Brown has registered for all 7 65th reunion events but does not appear on any of them on the classmates profile page.

Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 11:37 PM - Response #13


I updated it for you.

Natalie had unchecked the Guest is a Classmate - that can be edited by the admin after the fact under Event Planner > Edit > Quick Links > Transactions. Click edit for their transaction and then click the pencil/edit icon and check the box, search their name, click their name in the results -- do this for each activity and then save the page at the bottom of the page.


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