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Editing JVideoplayer

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 06/04/20 01:40 PM Views: 659 Replies: 23
Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 1:40 PM

I am trying to redo my playlist using the JVideoplayer generator. I have been using the playlist generator thru CC which doesn't seem to work anymore.
All my MP3 files are in the vile vault. I am able to create a player and embed it on the page, I am not able to add songs to this player.
I need step by step instructions on how to edit and add songs to an existing player. The CC Playlist Generator is very easy to edit, the JVideoplayer instructions are difficult to understand.
Thank you,

Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 3:29 PM - Response #1

Since I can't directly access the CC file vault or your page code, hence one has to manually do a few things. Pretty much like one does for any widget stuff.

The main difference is that you have to manually add the code in source mode to a page also because of that.

However, fairly easy to add and exactly the same as CC's player if all you want to do is play MP3 songs. These are the steps.

1. ADD the URL of the MP3 in the Generator Page.
Click Add URL,
to add more URLs, click Clear URL and then Add URL again.
2. click Create,
3. copy the code shown (CTRL+C is easiest)
You can click Preview if you want to see how it looks and sounds.
4. In Edit Source mode, paste that code on any page.

The MP3 does not have to be stored on your site, thus saving a lot of space, however, I recommend you add the MP3 to your file vault first and use the file vault locations as the URL for the song. That prevents the link from becoming obsolete.

Make a folder called MP3-somename in the File Vault. The "somename" is in case you want multiple players. Easier to manage, but optional.

The other details are just options for the player sizes (none of those exist with CC), images shown, color and font sizes. Tinker with those and then use Preview to see how it changes.

You can also mix YouTube song videos with MP3, something you could not do with CC's player Idea

This is the main link here.

Edited 06/05/20 2:35 AM
Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 10:45 PM - Response #2

Thank you so much for the information. The problem I am having now is when I try to add another song URL I get a message that it is a duplicate. Enclosing a copy of the URL. Is there something I need to change in the code?
Thank you for your help.

Friday, June 5, 2020 at 12:01 AM - Response #3

Well, that's weird. Let me look. Thanks for giving both links.

Friday, June 5, 2020 at 12:32 AM - Response #4

I originally made it to play just Youtube videos which have short video IDs (the URL is always the same). So the check is for only the YouTube ID (11 characters max).

I made all my MP3 samples manually so I never noticed. Oops.

I did this 3 years ago, so will take me a bit to add the full length check for MP3 (the whole URL)

Meanwhile, if you want to get a prototype using the default specs (size, image, etc) you can use this to play with. You can see how I added it. The description in the playlist is the text after the URL. You can make it any text. The default just takes the URL name.

I use notepad which is actually the fastest way to add stuff once you have a playlist made.

Use put cursor in box below Select All (CTRL+A) in the box shown here, CTRL+C from there and then CTRL+V into the CC editor in source mode.

Edited 06/05/20 12:33 AM
Friday, June 5, 2020 at 2:33 AM - Response #5

OK, fixed. You might have to refresh your cache - CTRL+F5

The date on the bottom should be 6-4-2020 23:23 (prior was 5-17-2020)

I also forgot the add the step in instructions above to clear the URL after adding

Friday, June 5, 2020 at 11:25 AM - Response #6

What is the downloading procedure?

Friday, June 5, 2020 at 12:41 PM - Response #7

There's nothing to download as such. The only download/upload is for any MP3s to your file vault.

Talked about above.

This LINK HERE is the main tool to create the code you copy and put into a page in Edit SOURCE mode. The "documentation" is just there if to explain the options.

Easiest is experiment, add some MP3s or Youtube videos, mess with the options sizes and image choices (for MP3) and use preview to see what you get.

Saturday, June 6, 2020 at 4:40 PM - Response #8

Thank you for the fix. I am able to add the song URL's and create the player add to my page and everything works fine. What I am not clear on is how can I go back and add and edit songs in this same player after it is embeded. Are the Import List and Save List used for this.
Thank you,

Saturday, June 6, 2020 at 10:14 PM - Response #9

Yes, they are.

Click on TOP Instructions on THIS LINK to see a prettier description of these basic rules. I need to update them a bit, but close enough.

You can also use Notepad or the CC editor to directly edit and add URLs.

Using the Built-In tools on the Generator Page

Go to your page and find the code you embedded.

1. Copy all the data in Edit Source Mode from
var VplayList=[
up to and including - all the URLs you have
2. Click Import List button
3. Paste what you copied in 1 in the White box shown
4. Click Save List Button
5. Click Create again and it recreates all the code again using the options active. So check what you had before - size, image, etc.
6. Copy the new code to replace ALL the prior code you had before.

You can also Preview to see what you have

To make a heading to separate areas add this line
"heading My Music Description", where My Description is anything you want.

Once you get the idea, it's usually faster to just add or modify the text directly on the page. Just be sure to have the quotes "URL - description", where they belong and the comma , at the end.

You can have multiple sections divided with headings.

Edited 06/06/20 10:16 PM
Saturday, June 6, 2020 at 10:37 PM - Response #10

Thanks I will give this a try. Also thank you for the heading information.

Monday, June 8, 2020 at 12:42 PM - Response #11

Thank you for your help, I have everything working now and was able to add a heading. One thing i have noticed when I hover over my navigation buttons on that page the background color which is black changes to purple the same color as the playlist when the cursor is over a song. Is there any way to change that?
Thank you,

Monday, June 8, 2020 at 4:32 PM - Response #12

Right now the only color option is for Headings and Font size.

The reason it switches colors is to let one know where their cursor is active.

I could make that another option and bury it as a documented option (some are already that way) and just point to that.

The challenge from my POV is not getting stuff too overwhelming. It's a a bit there already and then that discourages people thinking they have to learn all this stuff.

You actually don't need to know too much, but since there are a lot of options already (compared to old CC player) it looks overwhelming. I could have literally done like CC but I didn't like the size of the playlist and font size, esp for older eyes Very Happy

Monday, June 8, 2020 at 8:51 PM - Response #13

OK, Thanks. Not a big deal just wondering.

Monday, June 8, 2020 at 9:13 PM - Response #14

Nice to see interest. I'm working on a slider gallery thing too, the outage delayed that a bit. The docs are always the hardest since like the player I do not have direct access to the file vault, thus the user has to manually enter the image URLs. But I think it will be fun to use .. I hope.

Monday, June 8, 2020 at 11:29 PM - Response #15

I understand the color changes to show where the cursor is active, I just didn't know why it changed the colors on my page navigation buttons I have setup with my CC design. If the JVideoplayer is a replacement for the CC playlist generator is this going to be added to the Administrator Functions? I did not know it existed until now.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 12:20 AM - Response #16

Oh, the only way that could happen is if both CC and I use the same style names. If you put a small sample on your home page I can see what you are seeing. It doesn't do that for any of my pages and some others, but there are a lot of variations with Responsive Design.

JVideoplayer is just my own stuff. One uses it as you may add other widgets to your pages.

FYI: the images on you home page bottom makes your Signin/Login not secure. It's a bug by CC they have not fixed yet. Images are not secure, hence login is marked not secure.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 1:15 PM - Response #17

I put a sample on the home page.
Thank you,

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 1:27 PM - Response #18

Thank you very much. Yes, CC and I are using the same style element. I'll have to look and fix that. You don't have to do anything. When the page refreshes it will load in a new version.

Take me a bit since it's fallen off the memory pit. I'll post here when I figure it out.

I was using a similar enough color I never noticed. Smack on forehead. Embarassed

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 5:20 PM - Response #19

Basic problem fixed - hover color for your links stays. Need to adjust one thing that is bugging me, I changed the hover color slightly, but then I noticed the text color is not what I wanted either Cool

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 9:31 PM - Response #20

My black background on my navigation links is still changing to purple when I hover. Is there anything else I need to do?

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 9:50 PM - Response #21

The browser "cache" has to be flushed to get the new version.

Usually CTRL+F5 works. But sometimes you have to find the option in the browser you are using and do it the long way.

Meaning, it's loading the prior version.

A simple way to verify is to just use a different browser from what you usually use to see it load the new one since it can't be in that one's cache. It's always a pain when that happens.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 11:35 PM - Response #22

Everything looks good now.
Thank you

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 11:38 PM - Response #23

Yay. Haven't had time to figure out the other issue. Just bugs me Confused

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