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Message Forum

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 01/05/10 09:48 PM Views: 2009 Replies: 11
Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at 9:48 PM

On 1/1/10, I put a message in the message forum to wish everyone a Happy New Year - had a few to respond back. I went into check and see if anyone else had posted any more messages. The original messages are no longer in the forum. Is there a time limit for messages to be in this forum?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at 11:29 PM - Response #1

Nope. But guess what? 100% of the time that this question has ever been asked in the past, another Admin on the site has gone in and deleted every single response. Usually they're doing it unintionally, thinking that they're only deleting them for themselves (like the forums worked like an email program), not realizing they're actually deleting the responses for the entire user base. We actually track this and I can tell you the name of the Root Admin who deleted them if you'd like.

Edited 01/05/10 11:30 PM
Thursday, January 7, 2010 at 8:34 PM - Response #2

Yes, please do.

Thursday, January 7, 2010 at 9:08 PM - Response #3


Do you really want ALL of your classmates to be admins? When I look at your Manage Classmates list of classmates, all of the classmates are designated as ADMIN. Was this really your intent?

This means that ALL of the classmates can see the Admin Functions menu items.

All of your classmates can change the home page content, All of your classmates can modify the custom pages, etc.

If you don't want this, edit each classmate who you don't want to be an ADMIN and click the DETAILS page and go to this section:

Grant Admin Access:        
Checking this box will allow this Classmate to have full editing ability over your site, the same as you have as the Administrator. You should only check this box for Classmates who will be directly involved in helping you maintain your site.

And uncheck the box.

Edited 01/07/10 9:11 PM
Friday, January 8, 2010 at 8:30 AM - Response #4

Brad Switzer wrote:

We actually track this and I can tell you the name of the Root Admin who deleted them if you'd like.

Glenda Moment wrote:
Yes, please do.

Brad, I went in to try and find out but couldn't do it without database access. Please answer Glenda's question. She (or somebody) went in and modified all of her classmates so they are no longer admins.

Friday, January 8, 2010 at 12:04 PM - Response #5

Kyle Erickson wrote:

She (or somebody) went in and modified all of her classmates so they are no longer admins.

I thought only the Root Admin could enable or disable other admins?

Friday, January 8, 2010 at 12:07 PM - Response #6

Marian Wright wrote:

Kyle Erickson wrote:
She (or somebody) went in and modified all of her classmates so they are no longer admins.

I thought only the Root Admin could enable or disable other admins?

Marian, did you change all of the classmates so they weren't admins because of my message?

It is true that only the Root Admin can enable or disable other admins.

By "Somebody" I meant someone from Class Creator.

Friday, January 8, 2010 at 12:18 PM - Response #7

Kyle Erickson wrote:

Marian, did you change all of the classmates so they weren't admins because of my message?

NO, LOL, I didn't change anything. I haven't enabled any other admins because I'm waiting for the Admin Rights Module. I was just following the conversation and wanted to be sure that my understanding of the admin right-granting procedure is correct. I had surmised because of Brad's earlier post that Glenda is not the Root admin.

Kyle Erickson wrote:

By "Somebody" I meant someone from Class Creator.

Oh, Exclamation


Friday, January 8, 2010 at 12:22 PM - Response #8


Sorry, I confused you with Glenda. I didn't notice you weren't even at the same HS.

Glenda is the ROOT ADMIN. When I went to her Manage Classmates page, ALL OF HER CLASSMATES were also admins. Not sure how that happened, but now when I look at the Manage Classmates page, she is the only Root Admin and there are no other admins. So somebody (either Glenda or ClassCreator) has changed it.

Edited 01/08/10 12:37 PM
Friday, January 8, 2010 at 4:34 PM - Response #9

You definitely don't want every single Classmate to have Admin rights to your web site. I'd remove all of those in a hurry and only leave the ones you actually want to be Site Administrators.

Friday, January 8, 2010 at 4:36 PM - Response #10

Brad Switzer wrote:

We actually track this and I can tell you the name of the Root Admin who deleted them if you'd like.

Glenda Moment wrote:
Yes, please do.

Brad, I went in to try and find out but couldn't do it without database access. Please answer Glenda's question. She (or somebody from Class Creator) went in and modified all of her classmates so they are no longer admins.

Edited 01/08/10 4:37 PM
Friday, January 8, 2010 at 7:06 PM - Response #11

Member (Admin at the time) R. Neal deleted them all on 1/4/10.

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