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Sunday, March 25, 2012 at 10:30 PM
I have searched the forum to see if this had been addressed before but was unable to find anything. I have had a background image on my profile for several years. I just dropped a few lines of code in the video box and the image was on my profile. I noticed today that the image does not appear anymore and wondered if something had changed. I also noticed that my videos were not appearing any more, just the embed code. I had a reference to youtube in the box but the reference changed to a link to youtube when I accessed my profile. When I removed the reference to youtube, my videos appeared again. If the video box has been changed and the image code in there will not work again, has there been any thought given to adding a option for people to add a background image to their individual profile? I am guessing there are people who would like to have an background image on their profile. 
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at 2:40 PM - Response #1
I am kind of surprised that I had no comments to my post so I thought I would add to it. There seems to be a problem with the video field on profiles. I created a test user for my site and copied the video info from my profile to it. If I put the word 'youtube' in the video field anywhere above, below, or in the middle of the embed codes for the videos, when I go to the profile, the word 'youtube' is highlighted and has become a link to youtube on my site. All the videos are not shown and the only that is shown is the embed code for the videos and the descriptions for the videos. I tried other words like 'google' or 'yahoo' and this does not happen. To see this, go to my site, class of 62 profiles, down to Guest Members, and click on 'test test'. Putting the word 'youtube' in the video field should not change to a link after the profile is saved. Someone must have an answer to this. Someone must have an opinion about a background image on individual profiles, too.
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at 4:54 PM - Response #2
I think it's just that CC forgot that some areas in a profile supported embedded objects or html code. They probably scan for specific keywords and maybe missed some? For youtube, try the new iframe format. I do not know where you put the videos in you test sample, but it (iframe) does work in a few areas I tested. We also have one user with some html that used to work and now shows raw code (not a video). I'd have to look further to see what it was supposed to be.
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at 7:30 PM - Response #3
You should be good now
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at 7:46 PM - Response #4
this is fixed now
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at 10:33 PM - Response #5
Thanks for the quick response. Everything is working again. Youtube is just a word now and not a link. My videos are working and I now have my background image back on my profile. Jack & Kyle, too bad your own profiles are locked. I like to look at other profiles to see if there is an idea that I can steal to use on my own profile. 
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Friday, March 30, 2012 at 8:15 PM - Response #6
I thought I had my profile unlocked so anyone could view it but I just realized it was not. It is unlocked now so if you are interested in how the background image looks, check my profile. 
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Wednesday, April 4, 2012 at 7:44 PM - Response #7
Bob, Thanks for allowing us to look at your profile. The background is great! Now I have to copy and save your 'how to' before our TAP chat or I'll forget where to find it! Oh... am I going to have fun with this! 
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Wednesday, April 4, 2012 at 8:18 PM - Response #8
Bob! Eric! Kyle! Will this work on IN MEMORY pages? In Memory pages is one of our Chat on TAP subjects tonight. This would be sooooo great to do!
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Wednesday, April 4, 2012 at 8:21 PM - Response #9
Yes, because we want to know how to do it! 
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Wednesday, April 4, 2012 at 10:58 PM - Response #10
Bob,you have a couple of broken links on the Other links page. Also, which profile is yours?
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Thursday, April 5, 2012 at 1:21 AM - Response #11
Tom Homsley: Thanks for the info on the broken links. I haven't looked at them for a while so was unaware of them. My project tomorrow will be to fix them. Also, my profile is 'Bob Craft'. Bonita and Gwen: Yes, this will work on the 'In Memory' pages and possibly others that I haven't tried. I tried to paste the code that I used here and it looked good in the preview but was lost in the final save so I attached a text file with the code. Use your own image. Depending on font colors and the background picture, sometimes it is hard to read the text. You might have to play with the size of your image to get it to fit on your profile. 'background-color' can be whatever color you like. On my profile, I pasted this in the 'Videos' box at the bottom after the videos. It did not work in the other boxes. On the 'In Memory' page, I just pasted it as source code. Good luck, let me know if you use it and where so I can look at it. 
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Thursday, April 5, 2012 at 10:41 AM - Response #12
Hi Bob! Thanks for sharing your profile and background! I enjoyed your profile page. Very, very nice! Thanks again for sharing.