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After Reunion Questionaire

Forums: General Discussion [Sticky]
Created on: 10/14/09 02:33 AM Views: 13092 Replies: 43
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 at 2:33 AM


I thought I saw this on the Forum once, but a search doesn't find it.

Our Reunion is over, and I want to send a questionaire or some written format to my Committee Members asking them for their suggestions for the next reunion based on their experience with this one.

Things like: What would you do differently? the same? ... but more specific ...Would you have it the same time of year? Would you do 3 days of events? Would you do the school tour?, the trolley tour?, have a DJ or Band?, more or less Committees? ... things like that.

I wondered if anyone else tried to get 'After Reunion Feedback' and what format did you use?

Any thoughts or Samples that you could suggest will be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you in advance, N

Wednesday, October 14, 2009 at 9:57 AM - Response #1

Nancee ~ this is where your SURVEY MAKER comes in handy. If you click on it to your left it explains how to use it. I did a post class reunion survey for not only committee members, but all attendees to fill in. I emailed the class and encouraged them to take the short survey. Of course not everyone will take the time to do so, but I got about 1/3 of the attendees to participate and it gave us a good start for our next reunion.

On my homepage, I opened the results of the survey for classmates. If you are interested in seeing the type of questions I asked or seeing the results, please let me know and I will privately email you our password so you can take a peek.

Good luck! Very Happy

Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 8:02 AM - Response #2

Thanks Nancee ~ for all those who would like to see my questions and the results to our Post Reunion Survey, my password is Irwin2. I will leave this password thru the weekend. You can access the results from my homepage. Smile

Brad ~ is there a way we can make this topic sticky?


Monday, November 9, 2009 at 12:43 PM - Response #3


We just had our 30th reunion this past weekend..would l love to see the questions you presented to your classmates.


Edited 11/09/09 12:44 PM
Monday, November 9, 2009 at 2:14 PM - Response #4

Hi Margie,

I will put you down as a guest so you can get on there to see them. You will have to go down to my announcements and click on it from there and it will take you to the page.

Good luck and I'll be happy to help in any way I can.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at 8:50 AM - Response #5


Thank you! Great questions.


Edited 11/10/09 9:47 AM
Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at 10:57 AM - Response #6

I'm glad you had a great reunion and you were able to use my questions! Very Happy

Thursday, November 12, 2009 at 1:02 AM - Response #7


I was about to send you the copy of the one that Dawn allowed my to copy from her site, but I see that she beat me to it { no small surprise there ] Wink

I know that you will agree with me when I say that Dawn is one of those 'Classy" Mentoring Angels who is incredibly generous. There are many: Tam, Christine, Sandie, Marian, Anita ..too numerous to list.

Then there is Klye ...the Bradster made him an Archangel, but there are many Guys out there who are great at sharing too.

You and I need to try to pass that on, in kind. That's how it works! Good Luck, Margie & Thanks again Dawn! Bless you! N

Edited 11/12/09 2:05 AM
Saturday, November 21, 2009 at 12:17 PM - Response #8
Survey questions.pdf

We just had our 30-yr reunion PLUS a multi-class reunion last weekend. Based on quite a number of responses posted here, as well as our own Committee's input, I've developed a list of 20 questions for our survey. If anyone is interested in viewing our survey, please access the attached PDF.


Edited 11/21/09 12:32 PM
Sunday, January 24, 2010 at 5:57 PM - Response #9

Hi Dawn - I too would like to see an example of an after-reunion questionaire. May I see yours??
Sandy Cross

Sunday, January 24, 2010 at 6:22 PM - Response #10

Hi Sandy,

I put you down as a guest on my website. Just join like any other classmate and once you've joined toggle down the homepage to where it says A Brief Description of some of our features. Now click on where it says Results of the Post 30th Class Reunion Survey.

Enjoy and feel free to "borrow" anything on my site. I'll keep you on for a few days!


Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 12:32 PM - Response #11

Dawn we just had our reunion last weekend...would you mind if I look at your questions also. I hope that this is not an inconvenience for you. I appreciate it very much. Thank you Bambi

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 12:32 PM - Response #12

Dawn we just had our reunion last weekend...would you mind if I look at your questions also. I hope that this is not an inconvenience for you. I appreciate it very much. Thank you Bambi

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 12:34 PM - Response #13

Dawn we just had our reunion last weekend...would you mind if I look at your questions also. I hope that this is not an inconvenience for you. I appreciate it very much. Thank you Bambi

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 12:49 PM - Response #14

Hi Dawn!

I would love to see your questions too!

Thanks so much!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 10:34 PM - Response #15

Even though I currently have a post-reunion survey up, I too would like to see what other admin's have posted for their classmates feedback.

Thursday, July 22, 2010 at 2:11 PM - Response #16

You have found a whole group of folks wanting to see your post-reunion questions -- and I'm another!

Ellen Barker
Amherst Central High School Class of 1970

Edited 07/22/10 2:12 PM
Friday, July 23, 2010 at 7:59 AM - Response #17

Count me in! I would like to see it also.

Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 6:07 AM - Response #18

Steve, is there any way that you mind adding me to your site as a guest so that I could see your post reunion survey? I would appreciate it very much. Thank you. Bambi

Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 6:41 AM - Response #19

We're having our reunion next week, and I'd love to see what everyone is surveying post-reunion.

Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 10:17 AM - Response #20

Same here. We're having our reunion next weekend, and I'd love to see what everyone is surveying post-reunion.


Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 2:42 PM - Response #21

I have my survey saved to a Word Document.
Will that work for everyone?
You can contact me direct at:


p.s. - I hope in doing this, I am not violating a Class Creator policy of some sort!

Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 2:48 PM - Response #22

Yes you are violating our Sharing With Admins but Not Sharing With Class Creator Staff policy. If you send over a tray of fresh baked goods to the Programmers I'll forgive you. This time.

Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 3:05 PM - Response #23

Well, as soon as I get a day off, I plan on sending a gen-you-ine Texas Bar-B-Qued Brisket - only you will have to provide your own potatoe salad, cole slaw, beans, and garlic bread - - - - and beverage of choice as well!
[the brisket will PROBABLY arrive the first week of August.]


Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 3:06 PM - Response #24

Dang that sounds good Steve! In fact on that note I'm headed for lunch, bye.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010 at 9:05 AM - Response #25
Post Reunion Survey.htm

Here's the Post-Reunion Survey that I working on. It's still a work in progress. Any comments to make it better would be appreciated.


Edited 07/27/10 9:16 AM
Friday, July 30, 2010 at 8:35 AM - Response #26

Thank you Scott....when I opened it it was all a bunch of letters instead of the post reunion survey. Maybe I am doing something wrong. Do you have any idea? Thanks again

Friday, July 30, 2010 at 8:46 AM - Response #27

Bambi Kleehamer wrote:

Thank you Scott....when I opened it it was all a bunch of letters instead of the post reunion survey. Maybe I am doing something wrong. Do you have any idea? Thanks again

Bambi, Scott posted the "source code" for his survey.

Open that file in a text editor (NOTEPAD, not WORD.) CTRL-A to select all the text.

Next open your Survey Maker, create a new survey "Scott's Survey", for example, then click on the SOURCE button. Paste his code into that window (CTRL-V.) Click on SOURCE again and you'll be able to see his actual survey.

By sharing the source code, you can -- with Scott's permission -- edit the questions and use it as your own.

Friday, July 30, 2010 at 9:01 AM - Response #28

John Chidester wrote:

Bambi, Scott posted the "source code" for his survey.

Open that file in a text editor (NOTEPAD, not WORD.) CTRL-A to select all the text.

Next open your Survey Maker, create a new survey "Scott's Survey", for example, then click on the SOURCE button. Paste his code into that window (CTRL-V.) Click on SOURCE again and you'll be able to see his actual survey.

By sharing the source code, you can -- with Scott's permission -- edit the questions and use it as your own.

If you do the above, you will not be able to edit the questions and use it as your own because all of Scott's survey will be in your Custom Text editor portion - none of the questions/answers will be stored in the database.

Instead, you will need to create your own survey and add your own questions based off of Scott's survey.

If instead of pasting Scott's text in your own survey Custom Text Editor, if you SAVED the text in NotePad with the ".htm" or ".html" file extension, you can then open that file in your browser and have that window open while you create your survey. You could copy/paste the questions and then create the answers and then the answers that your classmates entered would be saved to the database.

Edited 07/30/10 10:48 AM
Friday, July 30, 2010 at 10:24 AM - Response #29

Thanks, Kyle. I continue to learn. Laughing

Saturday, September 25, 2010 at 12:30 AM - Response #30

There are few outside of Texas (except other Texans) that deserve to actually get to eat gin-u-ine Texas Bar B Qued Brisket, but those boys at ClassCreator qualify. Just hearin those flavorful words makes me hungry, and waiting will be tough on me, but I will be back in Marshall, Texas on Oct.1 & 2 (50th reunion, yes I am still alive) and will be having some brisket among other Bar B Qued items..I would like a peek at those reunion questionaires also, but the thought of brisket just consumes me. Edd

Friday, June 3, 2011 at 8:13 PM - Response #31

Still got the survey?

Friday, June 3, 2011 at 8:50 PM - Response #32

Not sure which of us you are directing your question towards, but .....

I seldom throw anything away!
So here is what I sent out.



Would you provide some feedback on our recent reunion?

The following survey questions are just some of the many topics that have come to mind.

Feel free to make comments where there are white blocks. At the very minimum, please simply type a letter or number in those blocks if you do not want to make a comment.

If you are concerned about being anonymous with your feedback, rest easy. When I retrieve the results of this survey July 30, I can see a list ONLY of the people who responded, and the answers are NOT with the names.
While this survey did not 'touch on' the golf outing, Sunday morning Service, and school tour, feel free to make your comments on these in Number 9 below.

Thank you for your time!


1) Now is your chance to grade [just like in school] this years reunion, so select a letter grade!

(Please make comments in number 9 below.)

2) What time of the year do you think would be most convenient for most of our classmates?
Additional comment-

3) Do you like the idea of a 'Friday Evening Mixer' the night before?
Yes - AND would be willing to pay a few dollars more for a place we could have exclusively to ourselves.
Additional comment

4) Did you like the opportunity to get together on Saturday at noon?
Good Idea
No need
Additional comments

5) What are your thoughts on food for 'the main event,' usually held on a Saturday night?

Full meal - buffet of some sort
hors d'oeurves
No food at all
Additional comment

(What we served were 'heavy' hors d'oeurve's.)

6) * How do you feel about items to commemorate the event? {T-shirts - Koozies - etc} for an added expense for every person?
Very important
Not Interested at All
Additional comment

(something with our class name on it)

7) Do you think you would attend any class get togethers besides the reunion? [We will continue having our 'official' reunion every five years]
Ideas that have been tossed around are a summer BBQ, attend Homecoming game, a summer cruise to Alaska, a winter cruise to Mexico or the Carribbean. These would be 'unofficial' events, and everyone would assume their own expenses.

Cool How do you feel about substituting our traditional 5 year reunion with a destination location type event such as a cruise?
Y'all have fun, but I personally wouldn't be interested
Additional comment

9) Other ideas, suggestions, etc.

Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 4:16 PM - Response #33

I am some what of a novice. Could you tell me how you got the newspaper link to "what happaned on the day you were born" onto your site?
It looks like a good idea.

Also, could I get a look at your post reunion quetions list?

Thank you in Advance,

Sunday, May 6, 2012 at 5:26 PM - Response #34

We had our 50th class reunion 8/13/12. We are unique in that none of our classmates live in the town in Spring Valley,NY we did in 1961. We ran the website for three years to search and seek our classmates. We had a very successful reunion with 100 people out of 200. I did run a Future Reunion survey. My questions were brief and to the point. I had 23 classmates respond.
1. Now is the chance to grade the reunion: A,B,C
2. Please comment on the Friday Night Meet & Great Event.
3. What were your thoughts on the food for the Main Event.
4. Would you be interested in another reunion & help plan it.
I think if you have any experience with surveys you know the percents. We had one person give a B rating. All the rest said A.

Sunday, May 6, 2012 at 6:24 PM - Response #35


We had our 50th class reunion 8/13/12.

So you had your reunion August 2012. Did everyone in your class drive a DeLorean? Back to the Future!!

Monday, July 23, 2012 at 11:49 PM - Response #36

Only you, Steve. But wait! I clicked on "View Site" to see Judith's site thinking maybe... maybe I'd see the reunion date. The link is bad. That's sad.

The link to your site worked, Steve. So I ruled out a system problem. Oh well.

I'm pretty sure her reunion was this month... don't you think? But I do thank you for the laugh, Steve. I could see the DeLorean taking off! Cool

Tuesday, July 24, 2012 at 1:50 AM - Response #37

‘Only me’ what? LOL

Wasn’t me that had the DeLorean.
Think it was Judith.
She: Posted Sunday, May 6, 2012 at 5:26 PM
That: We had our 50th class reunion 8/13/12.

We may never know, but I’d bet a cup of coffee that their reunion was on 8-13-11, which would have made it a 50th reunion.

I presume they let their CC site expire – which is unfortunate.
Their schools class of 1984 is the only one that has a CC site – with a member of one.
: )

p.s. –1 - I am answering this WAAAAYYYY past my bed-time.
2 – I HAVE been out celebrating my birthday
3 – But I have witnesses, I only had ONE {1} beer, and NO other alcohol, and no drugs! LOL

Tuesday, July 24, 2012 at 4:31 AM - Response #38

I meant SCOTT! And what happened to the EDIT option? And boy, this thread is old!

I've found a virus on my desktop and am trying to make things happen....too many different tasks all at once. Glad you had a good b-day, Steve.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012 at 11:29 AM - Response #39

Hello Barb, we just had our 30th class reunion 1 week ago. I would love to have the questions but I was unable to open it in the format that you have them listed. Is ther any way that you could email it to me in an attachment? thanks

Thursday, July 26, 2012 at 5:25 PM - Response #40

Hi Barb, I tried to access your survey questions and it kept trying to go in a photo viewer file with windows. Is it any way you could send it as an attachment to my email address? Thanks

Tuesday, June 19, 2018 at 1:06 PM - Response #41

Hello: I just finished a combined class reunion. I would love to see your questions for the after reunion survey. thanks !! Christi

Saturday, June 23, 2018 at 7:57 AM - Response #42
Post Reunion Survey.pdf

I'm posting the After Reunion Survey

Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 4:08 PM - Response #43

Thanks, Scott Miller!

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