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video and music upload

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 06/02/09 05:17 PM Views: 2306 Replies: 1
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 5:17 PM

Will someone help me, please? I have some video from my class reunion. It's on VHS. How do I get a 6 minute snippet of this video onto our site? I also have some video that is on a DVD and I would like to have the 2 minute video on our site also. Can this be done? and how? I understand youtube will not allow you to upload video from a DVD because "there is no file" to upload.

I also have a song from my high school choir( recorded from a vinyl Lp. How can I get this audio track uploaded to our site?

Thanks for your suggestions!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 7:48 PM - Response #1

Three good questions, although you're getting into some things that require a higher level of skills not to mention hardward and/or software. Here's the answers to your questions though:

1) How do I get video from a VHS tape onto my web site? The first thing you need to do is import the video into your computer. Most VCRs only have RCA video and audio out cables, so you have to have a video and sound card that can accept RCA video in on your computer. Or you have to have a VCR with a Firewire connection, which would be very rare in a consumer VCR. If you happen to have a computer equipped for this, you can do the import with the free Windows Movie Maker that comes with Windows. Directions for all of this can be found in the software itself. If this is beyond your hardware's ability or your own technical ability, the best thing to do is have your local video house import the video for you and give it to you on a data DVD saved in the Windows Media format. Then simply upload the video to Youtube, copy YouTube's video embed code, and paste the code onto your site while in Source view. I can give you further directions for this if this is what you're interested in doing.

2) How do I get a DVD onto my web site? First you have to "demultiplex it". That basically means you are taking the consumer format DVD's MPEG2 video encoding and you're unencoding it back to a normal video format, such as Quicktime, MPEG, or Windows Media (all of which YouTube will accept). Demultiplexing is not as hard as it sounds. Search Google for "demultiplex DVD" and you'll find several pieces of software that can easily do this for you. Some are shareware, others you'll probably have to pay for. Or, like #1, have your local video house demultiplex the DVD for you.

3) How do I get my vinyl record into my web site? Like #1, you need a sound card with RCA inputs. If you don't have one you're out of luck. If you do, you need to hook up your turntable to your sound card and then import the track using any sound editing software. Again you're getting into fairly technical stuff here, so unless you have the skills and software knowhow to do this already, you're best off also asking your local video house to convert your record to a wav file. Once you have the record in the wav file format, I recommend uploading the wav to the Reverb Nation player. To learn more about embedding objects on your web site:

1) Click the FAQs link above
2) Click Questions About Building Your Site
3) Read Question #18

Again, unless you have the software and hardware and are already proficient at this, your best bet is to have your local video house convert the files for you so you can simply add them to your site.

Edited 06/02/09 7:48 PM
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