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Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 05/18/09 12:40 AM Views: 1876 Replies: 2
Monday, May 18, 2009 at 12:40 AM

Perhaps this has been addressed; but it would be nice to see on Classmates Profile Page a symbol designated for paid Reunion Fees ($$$) like using multiple dollar signs. You have symbols for Military; Dead classmates; Updated Profile; Attending Reunion, etc. So how difficult would it be to add paid Reunion fees? Or would you feel that is repetitive?

Monday, May 18, 2009 at 1:41 AM - Response #1

It wouldn't be repetitive, but this in fact has come up before and a # of people expressed that they wouldn't want a paid icon. And some expressed that they would. We ended the debate last time with these two points:

1) Instead of an icon, try adding a "Reunion Dues Paid" (or whatever you want to call it) field using your Profile Generator. While you'd need to go into the Profile level to see if somebody has paid or not rather than seeing it on the main Class List, you can at least have it there.

2) We have on our Task List to develop a "make your own icon" system. We've had the reunion paid icon request as mentioned, requests for icons for cancer survivors, etc. and the only way to really accommodate all possible needs is to allow Admins to upload and define a purpose for their own icons. Thus when we do this, you'll be able to add your own paid icon if that's something you want to do.

Having said that, the "make your own icon" system is currently way down the task list behind a litany of upcoming tasks we've assigned higher priority, so it's not something coming any time soon thus you might want to consider the Profile Generator option for now. All tasks on the Task List do make the live system at some point though, so it is in fact coming when we get to it.

Edited 05/18/09 1:43 AM
Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 3:49 PM - Response #2

I would have to agree, having a paid icon is a wonderful addition. As the planner to see a glance who has paid and as incentive for other classmates to see who has paid. Just my two cents worth...

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