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Passwords and Login ID's

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 12/12/08 08:31 PM Views: 2608 Replies: 9
Friday, December 12, 2008 at 8:31 PM

When I am uploading the senior photos and I save the information it seems to wipe out the user's password and they are no longer able to login. I have had to reset numerous passwords today because I just uploaded these photos last night, is there a known glitch?

Friday, December 12, 2008 at 8:43 PM - Response #1

Hi Kristin,

You most likely have a toolbar (Firefox / Yahoo / Google, etc.) that is set to auto-fill in form fields. These toolbars assume every page with a login and password is a page that you want to auto-fill and can cause this type of issue. You will need to go in and turn off the auto-fill features for any toolbars or other programs you may have that attempt to auto-fill in forms. We've heard from several others who use Firefox that this was on by default - once they turned it off they did not have any further issues.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 12:39 PM - Response #2

deja vu'
Maybe this should be in the FAQ's, if it isn't already.

Friday, December 19, 2008 at 11:40 AM - Response #3


Here is a similar problem. One of my co-administrators can't get onto the site as HERSELF today. Here is the message I got from her:

here's a interesting situation to solve; when I click on the page automatically fills with Sue Snow's email address and password. I have tried several times to "remember me" with my email and password but her info keeps popping up! Any suggestions? I can add my info and log on. Hope that makes sense; it's now after 1am and I am off to bed.

Her name is Sharon Rains Banek. We need this one resolved pronto as she is the committee member working the hardest and getting new classmate contact information entered on the site.

Thank you!

Friday, December 19, 2008 at 11:46 AM - Response #4

P.S. New Twist

Brad regarding the message I just sent, I noticed that Sharon CAN get Sue's info off and log on as herself, but her home page still shouldn't auto fill with another classmates info.
But get this! The classmate she mentioned named Sue Snow is having problems logging onto the site. She can't get on at all and she knows it's not a password problem. I sent out an email last night telling her to delete her cookies, update her browser and set her security setting to medium or lower and haven't heard back yet.

What is your take on this?

Friday, December 19, 2008 at 12:51 PM - Response #5

My take on this is this Classmate is most likely using the Firefox browser. And has the browser set to pre fill in form information. Lots of things do this unfortunately...toolbars and other things. If she's not using Firefox then she has some toolbar set to remember and pre fill in form fields. It's a time saver for a lot of people, but it's also a big problem when Administrators have this turned on and they're working on Classmate Profile after Classmate Profile. Her browser keeps filling in information for her. The simple solution is to turn that off.

The real question is why is it filling in information for another Classmate. Most likely she typed this Classmate's information herself at some point. And then her browser or toolbar or some other plugin asked her if she'd like to remember this information (Firefox shows a big "REMEMBER" button near the upper right corner). She must have hit yes, thus making this Classmate's information her default. So now when he computer pulls up additional forms that Classmate's information is pulling in from her computer. Again, turning off the auto fill in form feature is the best bet here.

We've tried with some success to "trick" browsers into NOT filling in information on people's behalf. But we can't guess every scenario nor can we predict every single tool or plugin somebody may have installed that pre fills in form information on their behalf. The bottom line, though, is when you see this happening, it's always your own computer doing this (or in this case the computer of your co administrator). Look for the offending browser plugin or toolbar that's causing the problem and deactivate it.

Sometimes it takes some convincing that it's people's own computers supplying the information automatically, so you may have to do some convincing until she understands this really is a local problem. It's actually impossible for our system to plug in information into those form fields -- it's just not programmed to do that. So you'll have to work with your co-admin until you can figure out just what it is that's causing this problem on her computer. First, start with Firefox and see if she's using that. If she is, have her turn off any settings in Firefox that deal with pre supplying form information. That alone may do the trick. If not, look at the Google toolbar and other toolbars that may be configured to pre fill in form fields.

Edited 12/19/08 12:57 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 12:55 AM - Response #6

If it's Firefox remembering the info, open Tools, Options, Security. Under the Password section click on Saved Passwords, Find the Saved Password information, highlight it and click Remove.

Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 2:59 PM - Response #7

How do I reset a password for a member who cannot sign in?

Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 4:13 PM - Response #8

Please click on the FAQs link above, and then click on Questions About Passwords. This will answer all of your questions about passwords and more.

Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 4:46 PM - Response #9

Thanks, Brad
I actually found the
faqs right after I wrote my question. I sure hope I did it right.
Thanks again,

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