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How to make your site Secure for free

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 11/19/19 03:44 AM Views: 575 Replies: 2
Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 3:44 AM

In THIS TOPIC I described how to make your site secure and instructions at the end how to use a little script that enables this. I prefer for CC to make this an option since that will load your pages faster.

To see if you need to do anything to your links, use the Preview on Edit Site pages. If that shows the lock you are good to go.

The only caveat is that a browser may complain about a redirect. I hope that others can report here if they run into problems. If CC implements the option in other topic, then that would fix that problem.

When I did our site, I had no idea that the recent "secure" browser warning changes could upset some users. I used explicit URL to images to make it easier to test. The default URL by CC is fine. I had to undo my changes to get the Our main page to work and these other "open" pages so you can see how it looks. You can't use any http: references in your pages. If you have any, replace them with https versions.

Our Homepage, Bothell Weather, This Day In History, BHS-Bothell History are all secure. The lock appears on the URL

If you click on the web link on the left of this post you will see it becomes Secure. Depending on your browser and device you may see it loads twice. First to the not secure domain name and then it switches. I've tested on Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Opera and on Android Chrome.

[If have a cached version of our home page, press ctrl+F5 to fetch a new page.]

Monday, November 25, 2019 at 12:04 AM - Response #1

I ran into a problem that only CC can fix. Cookie login is not passed onto secure site URL.

Admins have a special cookie for + sitename. This stores your login data. When the script switches to https it uses the "https" cookie vs the original site cookie to keep you logged in. An admin creates that cookie when they do special stuff, such as Edit Site pages Shocked

Your regular users do not have the https cookie. So they can never log in all the way.

I did not notice this until I cleared all the cookie data for another idea. That's when it got stuck in a "loop" of sorts. Any login where the script ran would not stay logged in. Not too cool.

If CC fixes this, then everything works. Otherwise, not so much.

Edited 11/25/19 12:09 AM
Monday, November 25, 2019 at 12:04 AM - Response #2

I disabled the transfer code until this is fixed.

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